Senedd Cymru
Ymchwil y Senedd
Deallusrwydd artiffisial
cynhyrchiol – trosolwg
Papur briffio
Gorffennnaf 2024
Senedd Cymru yw’r corff sy’n cael ei ethol yn
ddemocrataidd i...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 03/07/2024
Media and Communications
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Members’ Research Service / Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau
November 2007
The purpose of this paper is to provide Assembly
Members with an overview of the Welsh
Assembly Government’s...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 19/11/2007
| Filesize: 253KB
Members’ Research Service / Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau
February 2008
The purpose of this paper is to provide Assembly
Members with an overview of the Welsh
Assembly Government’s...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 07/02/2008
| Filesize: 290KB
Welsh Assembly
Government bids for
primary legislation
This paper provides background briefing on the
annual debate on Assembly Government bids for
primary legislation at Westminster.
Cyhoeddwyd ar 22/03/2006
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Welsh Assembly
Government bids for
primary legislation
This paper provides background briefing on the
annual debate on Assembly Government bids for
primary legislation at Westminster.
Cyhoeddwyd ar 10/03/2005
| Filesize: 116KB
The Third Assembly: Changes
arising from the Government of
Wales Act 2006 and the new
Standing Orders
The Government of Wales Act 2006 provides for the
separation of the Natio...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 23/03/2007
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Reference no: 08/2498/PhilippaWatkins 30 July 2008
Members’ Research Service
Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau
National Assembly for Wales: Summary of legislation and legislative
Cyhoeddwyd ar 31/07/2008
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Members’ Research Service / Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau
April 2008
This paper provides briefing for the Stage 3
plenary consideration of Members’ amendments
to the first Mea...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 29/04/2008
Social Care
| Filesize: 296KB
Members’ Research Service / Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau
June 2006
This paper provides an overview of the content
and progress, through Parliament and the
Assembly, of bills...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 15/06/2006
| Filesize: 340KB
Members’ Research Service / Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau
July 2006
This paper provides an overview of the content
and progress, through Parliament and the
Assembly, of bills...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 17/07/2006
| Filesize: 369KB
Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales
Ymchwil y Senedd | Senedd Research
Bil Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol
(Ansawdd ac Ymgysylltu)
Cyhoeddwyd ar 10/07/2019
Social Care
| Filesize: 88KB
Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament
Ymchwil y Senedd | Senedd Research
Bil Bwyd (Cymru)
Geirfa Ddwyieithog
Food (Wales) Bill
Bilingual Glossary
Rhagfyr 2022 | December 2022
Cyhoeddwyd ar 16/12/2022
Agriculture, Forestry and Food
| Filesize: 92KB
Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament
Ymchwil y Senedd | Senedd Research
Bil Caffael y Gwasanaeth
Iechyd (Cymru)
Geirfa Ddwyieithog
Health Service Procurement
(Wales) Bill
Cyhoeddwyd ar 17/04/2023
| Filesize: 91KB
Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales
Ymchwil y Senedd | Senedd Research
Bil y Gwasanaeth Iechyd
Gwladol (Indemniadau)
Geirfa Ddwyieithog
National H...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 14/10/2019
Social Care
| Filesize: 86KB
Bills under consideration
by Assembly Committees,
February 2006
Members’ Resea
This paper provides an overview of the content
and progress, through Parliament and the
Assembly, of bills...
Cyhoeddwyd ar 07/02/2006
| Filesize: 208KB