04/09/2007 - Atebion a roddwyd i Aelodau ar 4 Medi 2007 (1)

Cyhoeddwyd 06/06/2014   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 06/06/2014

Answers issued to Members on 4 September 2007

[R] signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh. Contents

Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Questions to the Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport

Joyce Watson (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on what provisions the Welsh Assembly Government have in place, to make sure that all parts of Wales can prosper from the benefits of the Olympics being held in London in 2012?(WAQ50325)

The Deputy First Minister and Minister for the Economy and Transport (Ieuan Wyn Jones): The Wales Steering Group for the 2012 Games has produced a draft Legacy Plan which identifies a range of potential economic, sporting, cultural and social benefits across Wales.  I will be taking this cross-cutting work forward with colleagues in the coming months and will keep members informed of progress.

Andrew R.T. Davies (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister had with UK Government Ministers regarding the dispute between First Great Western and organisers of the rugby World Cup over train services on 6th October 2007?(WAQ50328)

Ieuan Wyn Jones: I have not had any discussions with UK Government Ministers about the dispute over FGW rail service provision for the Rugby World Cup semi final on 6 October 2007.

First Great Western (FGW) run services between Cardiff and London. The Department for Transport is responsible for the management of this franchise. The Welsh Assembly Government is responsible for services run by Arriva Trains Wales, this does not cover services between Cardiff and London.

My officials have had regular discussions with the Department for Transport and Network Rail about this matter and have been actively lobbying for a resolution on my behalf.

The current position is that FGW and Network Rail have been working together to ensure that passengers can travel home after the match in question. Network Rail has amended their normal track maintenance arrangements, which will allow FGW to run a number of additional services after the match (expected to be three services). The detailed timings of these services will be available in due course.

Andrew R.T. Davies (South Wales Central): What action is the Minister taking, in co-operation with UK Government Ministers, to avoid future disputes over rail timetabling, which could threaten future sporting fixtures?(WAQ50329)

Ieuan Wyn Jones: My officials are working closely with the Millennium Stadium, the Department for Transport, Network Rail and other rail organisations to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved for passengers wishing to travel by rail to sporting fixtures at the Millennium Stadium.

Andrew R.T. Davies (South Wales Central): Would the Minister provide an update on the progress of the M4 relief road near Newport and confirm whether all the necessary environmental impact assessments have been carried out?(WAQ50342)

Ieuan Wyn Jones: Details are being developed on the New M4 Project with a view to seeking the statutory powers for delivery. This includes undertaking a number of processes required under legislation in relation to the human environment, protected wildlife sites, habitats and species which will be reported in the Environmental Statement for the Project when draft Orders under the Highways Act are published - programmed for next year. The programme also provides for a possible Public Local Inquiry into the draft Orders to be held in 2009. This would allow objections, representations and letters of support for the Project to be heard by an independent Inspector, who would make recommendations on the proposals, for me to decide the way forward.

Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Jenny Randerson (Cardiff Central): What plans do you have to meet the health needs of ex-services personnel in Wales?(WAQ50330)

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Edwina Hart): I am determined to do as much as I can to help veterans and to co-ordinate services for them in recognition of the service they have rendered the country.

Veterans who are in receipt of a war pension already receive priority examination and treatment for conditions for which they are receiving a war pension.

My officials are working with the Ministry of Defence to develop a pilot in South Wales which will provide a new veterans’ community therapist service. The results of the pilot will provide direct evidence of how we can best serve the needs of Welsh veterans in the future.

I am arranging a meeting with the Chief Executive of the charity Combat Stress to discuss the mental health of veterans.