10/07/2014 - Cwestiynau ac Atebion Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad

Cyhoeddwyd 08/08/2014   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 07/04/2015

Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad a gyflwynwyd ar 3 Gorffennaf 2014 i'w hateb ar 10 Gorffennaf 2014

R - Yn dynodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant.
W - Yn dynodi bod y cwestiwn wedi'i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg.

(Dangosir rhif gwreiddiol y Cwestiwn mewn cromfachau)

Yn ymarferol, bydd Gweinidogion yn ceisio ateb o fewn saith neu wyth diwrnod ond nid oes rheidrwydd arnynt i wneud hynny. Mae'r atebion yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y maent yn cael eu darparu, gyda chyfieithiad i'r Saesneg o ymatebion a ddarperir yn y Gymraeg.


Gofyn i Brif Weinidog Cymru

Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): Pryd a ble y cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth ei rhestr o fuddiannau Gweinidogion, y rhestr o roddion a dderbynwyd, y rhestr o deithiau tramor gan Weinidogion a'r rhestr o Gynghorwyr Arbennig ar gyfer 2012-13 a 2013-14 yn unol â'r Cod Gweinidogol? (WAQ67365)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 15 Gorffennaf 2014

Y Prif Weinidog (Carwyn Jones): The published list of Ministers’ interests for 2012-13 was made available on the Ministerial Code section of the Welsh Government website in November 2013.

The list of gifts received in 2012-13 can now be found on the Ministerial Code page of the Welsh Government website.

The list of overseas travel by Ministers in 2012-13 costing more than £500 can now be found on the Ministerial Code page of the Welsh Government website.

The annual statement on Special Advisers (which includes a list of Special Advisers) for 2012-13 was published on 17 July 2013 as a written statement.

Information for 2013-14 is being prepared at the moment and will be made available as soon as it is finalised.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Cyllid

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ar nifer y cyrff cyhoeddus yng Nghymru sy'n cael cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd, a darparu dadansoddiad yn ôl sector a lleoliad? (WAQ67366)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 8 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Cyllid (Jane Hutt): A summary of the public bodies in Wales in receipt of funds from the Welsh Government, as well as bodies funded from other sources, non devolved bodies and organisations which provide public services without formally being part of the public sector, was compiled by the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. The link to the relevant table is provided below.



Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatgan pa arbedion y mae'n disgwyl eu gweld o ganlyniad i'r addewid yng Nghynllun Buddsoddi yn Seilwaith Cymru i roi £83.1 miliwn i gefnogi'r gwaith o gyflenwi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn fwy effeithlon a darbodus? (WAQ67367)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 15 Gorffennaf 2014

Jane Hutt: I will write to you and a copy of the letter will be put on the internet.


Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): Beth yw'r sgoriau hylendid bwyd ar gyfer y 10 ffreutur ar ystâd Llywodraeth Cymru? (WAQ67371)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 8 Gorffennaf 2014

Jane Hutt: The current food hygiene rating scores for the 10 Welsh Government catered locations are detailed below:

LOCATIONFood Hygiene Rating Score
Cathays Park, Cardiff5
Ty'r Afon, Bedwas5
QED, Treforest5
Rhyd-y-Car, Merthyr Tydfil5
Penllergaer, Swansea4*
Picton Terrace, Carmarthen5
Spa Road, Llandrindod Wells5
Rhodfa Padarn, Aberystwyth5
North Penrallt, Caernarfon5
Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction5

* The issue identified that resulted in a score of 4 has been addressed and we are confident of an improved score at the next inspection.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatgan y swm sy'n ddyledus ar hyn o bryd i awdurdodau lleol gan ddatblygwyr o dan gytundebau Adran 106? (WAQ67368)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 8 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Tai ac Adfywio (Carl Sargeant): The Welsh Government does not collect this information


Gofyn i’r Cwnsler Cyffredinol

Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddarparu tabl o'r cwmnïau cyfreithiol allanol a gyflogwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2011, 2012, 2013 a 2014 hyd yma? (WAQ67369)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 10 Gorffennaf 2014

Theodore Huckle:


The Welsh Government obtains legal advice from its panel of external firms which is established following a competitive procurement exercise. The firms on the panel for the years in question are set out in the table below.

Red Kite Law are not on the panel but have been separately procured to provide specialist advice in relation to marine prosecutions


Beachcroft LLP,  Bevan Brittan, Bond Pearce, Browne Jacobson LLP, Eversheds LLP, Geldards LLP, Hugh James, Morgan Cole LLP, Red Kite Law



Beachcroft LLP, Bond Pearce, Browne Jacobson LLP, Eversheds LLP, Geldards LLP, Hugh James, Morgan Cole LLP, Red Kite Law



Beachcroft LLP , Browne Jacobson LLP, Eversheds LLP, Geldards LLP, Hugh James, Morgan Cole LLP, Red Kite Law



Browne Jacobson LLP, Eversheds LLP, Geldards LLP, Hugh James, Morgan Cole LLP ( now Blake Morgan LLP with effect from 1st July 2014,)  Red Kite Law



Any instructions in 2011 would have been to members of the Panel Counsel at that time, as listed at No.1 below. It would be necessary to do more research of historical financial records in order to confirm which individual Counsel were instructed in 2011. Counsel instructed by the Welsh Government since 1 October 2012 to date is listed at No.2 below.



13 January 2009 to 30 September 2012

First Counsel to Welsh Government
Clive Lewis QC – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London

Queen’s Counsel Panel
Timothy Corner QC – Landmark Chambers, London
Ruth Henke QC – 30 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff
Simon Picken QC – 7 Kings Bench Walk Chambers, London
Malcolm Bishop QC – 30 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff
Winston Roddick QC – 9 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff

Public Law Panel.
Joanne Clement - 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
Jeremy Johnson – 5 Essex Court Chambers, London
Andrew Kinnier – Henderson Chambers, London
Gwion Lewis – Landmark Chambers, London
James Maurici – Landmark Chambers, London
Jonathan Moffett – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
James Strachan – 39 Essex Street Chambers, London
Justine Thornton – 39 Essex Street Chambers, London
Graham Walters – Civitas – Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff
Rhodri Williams – Thirty Park Place Chambers, Cardiff

Criminal Law Panel
Lucy Crowther – Apex Chambers, Cardiff
Tom Crowther – Apex Chambers, Cardiff
Marian Lewis – Thirty Park Place Chambers, Cardiff
Anthony Vines – Civitas - Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff
Graham Walters – Civitas - Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff
Jeremy Johnson – 5 Essex Court Chambers, London

Employment Law Panel
Charles Bourne – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square Chanbers, London
Jonathan Moffett – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
Tariq Sadiq – St Phillips Chambers, Birmingham
Jonathan Walters – Civitas - Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff
Rhodri Williams – Thirty Park Place Chambers, Cardiff

Personal Injuries Panel
Jeremy Johnson – 5 Essex Court Chambers, Cardiff
Nicholas Jones – Civitas - Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff
Phillip Marshall-(deceased,15 September 2009)–Iscoed Chambers,Swansea
Robert O’Leary – Civitas - Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff

Family and Children Panel
Paul Hopkins – 9 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff
Gwyneth Knowles – 4 Brick Court Chambers, London


WG Panel Counsel – 1 October 2012 to date

Panel members instructed

First Counsel to the Welsh Government
Clive Lewis QC – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC – 4 New Square Chambers, London

Panel of Queen’s Counsel
Richard Gordon QC – Brick Court Chambers, London
Elisabeth Laing QC – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
Rhodri Williams QC – Thirty Park Place Chambers, Cardiff

Public Law Panel A
Emyr Jones – 9 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff
Andrew Kinnier – Henderson Chambers, London
Jonathan Moffett – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
Ian Rogers – Monckton Chambers, London
Graham Walters - Civitas – Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff

Public Law Panel B
Tim Buley -Landmark Chambers, London
Joanne Clement - 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers, London
Rhys Hadden - Fieldcourt Chambers, London
Gwion Lewis - Landmark Chambers, London
Mark Thomas - 5 Essex Court Chambers London
Justine Thornton - 39 Essex Street Chambers, London

Criminal Law Panel A
Lucy Crowther - Apex Chambers, Cardiff
Christopher Rees - Apex Chambers, Cardiff

Employment Law Panel A
Tariq Sadiq - St Phillip’s Chambers, Birmingham
Jonathan Walters - Civitas – Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff

Personal Injuries Panel A
Nicholas David Jones - Civitas – Civil and Public Law Chambers, Cardiff

Off-Panel Counsel
Laura John – 3 Vermulen Buildings Chambers, London
Matthew Smith – Maitland Chambers, London
Sasha Blackmore – Landmark Chambers, London
Myriam Stacey – Landmark Chambers, London
Pamela Warner – Coram Chambers, London
Timothy Brennan – Devereux Chambers, London
Simon Malynicz – 3 New Square Chambers, London
Gregory Jones QC – Francis Taylor Building, Temple, London


Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol nodi'r rhesymau pam y gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ddod â chyngor cyfreithiol allanol i mewn ers dechrau'r Pedwerydd Cynulliad? (WAQ67370)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 10 Gorffennaf 2014

Theodore Huckle: The Welsh Government only procures legal services externally when specific expertise or capacity is required. In those circumstances, the Welsh Government can call on the services of firms on an external legal services contract which has been subject to open competition. This is an appropriate use of resources to ensure that the government acts lawfully and efficiently. The Welsh Government does so as to ensure that Welsh Ministers and Welsh Government officials receive appropriate and timely legal advice which is of the best possible quality.

Whilst the size of the Legal Services Department has increased over time this has been in response to growing workloads arising from the increase in devolved powers, in particular legislative powers. Capacity has not been increased in order to undertake litigation workloads, or commercial and commercial property workloads, where outsourcing arrangements have existed since devolution

The Welsh Government employs lawyers primarily to prepare legislation and to advise on public law, although we also employ lawyers to support land, property and contract transactions. We also have a limited capacity to advise in relation to employment law.

Legal Services External Panel

The Welsh Government operates an external Legal Services panel comprising five law firms that have been appointed to undertake specialist legal work on its behalf following a competitive tendering process.

Supplementing the Welsh Government’s own Legal Services Department, the panel provides services under the subject areas of Property, Commercial, Litigation, Employment and Environmental law. The firms appointed to the panel are: Browne Jacobson; Eversheds; Geldards; Hugh James; Morgan Cole – now Blake Morgan LLP. We typically use the external legal services contract for advice that we are not resourced to provide due to specialism or capacity in the areas of private law, commercial and litigation.


The use of Treasury Solicitor's Department is a continuation of an historic arrangement under section 83 of the Government of Wales Act 2006. The work comprises of public law (and wider) litigation, the majority of which involve statutory challenges to planning decisions.

First Counsel to the Welsh Government - Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC

Leigh- Ann Mulcahy QC was appointed as First Counsel to the Welsh Government in November 2013. She succeeded Clive Lewis QC as First Counsel to the Welsh Government following his appointment as a Justice of the High Court in June 2013.

The role of First Counsel carries with it responsibility for advisory and representative work in the most complex and high profile cases.

Panel Counsel

Counsel General’s Panel of Counsel - Welsh Government Panels of Queen’s Counsel and Junior Counsel A and B (the latter panels distinguished by length of regular advocacy experience) have been appointed through open competition. Panel appointments will be for a period of four years with the current appointments had effect from 1 October 2012.

Counsel are appointed to provide expert advice on any legal question or to undertake advocacy work in court where our in-house lawyers do not have rights of advocacy.