12/12/2013 - Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad

Cyhoeddwyd 13/06/2014   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 26/02/2015

Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad a gyflwynwyd ar 5 Rhagfyr 2013 i’w hateb ar 12 Rhagfyr 2013

R - Yn dynodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant.
W - Yn dynodi bod y cwestiwn wedi’i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg.

(Dangosir rhif gwreiddiol y Cwestiwn mewn cromfachau)

Gofyn i Gweinidog Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog nodi faint o'r cyfraniad cyflog a addawyd i Enterprise Employment yn Wrecsam sydd wedi'i dalu hyd yn hyn (Rhagfyr 2013)? (WAQ66070)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 17 Rhagfyr 2013 

Jeff Cuthbert AM: To date, £53,377.52 of Employer Support Grant funding has been paid to Enterprising Employment (Wrexham) Limited.  
The amount of grant paid depends on how much the business pays its employees whose posts the grant supports.  The grant is available for posts offered to disabled former Remploy staff who lost their jobs through the UK Government's decision to close Remploy factories in 2012/13.  The maximum award period is for four years.  The grant is paid retrospectively, and only if the business provides evidence of expenditure having been defrayed in accordance with the grant rules. 

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cymryd er mwyn gwella cyfraddau triniaethau ar gyfer hepatitis C yng Nghymru? (WAQ66067)

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): Pa effaith y mae Cynllun Gweithredu ar gyfer Hepatitis Feirysol a Gludir yn y Gwaed 2010 wedi'i chael ar wella'r driniaeth a'r gofal ar gyfer cleifion sydd â hepatitis C? (WAQ66068)

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): Pa gamau y mae'r Gweinidog yn bwriadu eu cymryd i wella diagnosis a thriniaeth ar gyfer hepatitis C ymysg y gymuned ddigartref? (WAQ66069)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 17 Rhagfyr 2013 (WAQ66067-69)

Y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (Mark Drakeford): Since introduction of the Blood Borne Viral Hepatitis Action Plan for Wales, all Health Boards with hepatitis treatment centres in Wales now have a designated clinical lead to take forward local implementation. Additional clinical nurse specialists and other support staff have been recruited to take forward service development. The establishment of these clinical teams, alongside other work undertaken to raise awareness of the disease amongst at risk groups and offering better training opportunities for healthcare and other relevant staff, is having a positive impact on services across Wales.

Collection of activity data for treatment centres started in 2011 and is published by Public Health Wales.  This indicates that in 2011, over 600 individuals were referred to specialist services for assessment for hepatitis C infection and nearly 200 individuals were commenced on treatment. Data for 2012 is currently being collated and will be published in due course.

The clinical networks set up under the Action Plan have established links with a range of local agencies which homeless people and others in hard to reach groups are able to access. These include third sector organisations, statutory and non-statutory substance misuse services and housing services.

Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Busnes y Llywodraeth

Mohammad Asghar (Dwyrain De Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu dadansoddiad o'r £6,680,508 a roddodd Llywodraeth Cymru i Gyngor Dinas Casnewydd yng nghyswllt hawliadau iawndal cyflog cyfartal? (WAQ66066)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 17 Rhagfyr 2013

Lesley Griffiths: The Welsh Government has not provided funding  to Newport City Council  to settle equal pay compensation payments.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Cyllid


Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): Ar ôl gohirio cyhoeddi'r Adroddiad Blynyddol ar Incwm Ffermydd yng Nghymru, a oedd i fod i gael ei gyflwyno ar 28 Tachwedd yn wreiddiol, a wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau pryd y gellir disgwyl i'r adroddiad gael ei gyhoeddi? (WAQ66062)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 11 Rhagfyr 2013

Y Gweinidog Cyllid a Busnes y Llywodraeth (Jane Hutt): The Farm Incomes in Wales 2012-13 statistical release will be published on 21st January 2014. The initial postponement of this statistical release, and the confirmed new publication date, has been announced on the Welsh Government’s website in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, under the responsibility of the Welsh Government’s Chief Statistician.

Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): Ar ôl gohirio cyhoeddi'r Adroddiad Blynyddol ar Incwm Ffermydd yng Nghymru, a oedd i fod i gael ei gyflwyno ar 28 Tachwedd yn wreiddiol, a wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau pryd y cafodd y gwallau yn y data ffynhonnell eu canfod gyntaf? (WAQ66063)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 11 Rhagfyr 2013

Jane Hutt: The decision to postpone the Farm Incomes in Wales 2012-13 statistical release was made following the identification of errors in part of the source data on the 21st November 2013. The decision to postpone this statistical release was made by the Chief Statistician in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Cyfoeth Naturiol a Bwyd

Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): Faint o geisiadau am y Grant Brechu Moch Daear sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus hyd yn hyn? (WAQ66064)

Alun Davies: Applications received before 13 December 2013 will be appraised in January.


Antoinette Sandbach (Gogledd Cymru): Faint o bobl sydd wedi dangos diddordeb yn y Grant Brechu Moch Daear hyd yn hyn? (WAQ66065)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 10 Rhagfyr 2013

Alun Davies: Application forms are available by request only and, as of 10 December 2013, thirteen application forms have been sent out to potential applicants.