14/07/2011 - Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i'w hateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2011

Cyhoeddwyd 13/06/2014   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 13/06/2014

Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i’w hateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2011
Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 14 July 2011

Cyhoeddir atebion yn yr iaith y’u darparwyd, gyda chyfieithiad Saesneg o atebion yn y Gymraeg.
Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

[R] yn nodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant/signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] yn nodi bod y cwestiwn wedi’i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg/signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Cwestiynau i’r Prif Weinidog
Questions to the First Minister

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Busnes, Menter, Technoleg a Gwyddoniaeth
Questions to the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau  
Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills

Cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu Cynaliadwy  
Questions to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Gofyn i Brif Weinidog Cymru
To ask the First Minister

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ddefnydd Gweinidogion y Cynulliad o’r dosbarth cyntaf a’r dosbarth safonol ar y trên. (WAQ57681)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Will the First Minister make a statement on the use of first and standard class rail travel by Assembly Ministers. (WAQ57681)

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Sawl gwaith y mae’r Prif Weinidog wedi teithio ar y trên yn y dosbarth cyntaf ar fusnes Gweinidogol ers iddo ddechrau yn ei swydd yn 2009.  (WAQ57682)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): How many times has the First Minister used first class rail travel on Ministerial business since he took up his position in 2009. (WAQ57682)

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Sawl gwaith y mae’r Prif Weinidog wedi teithio ar y trên yn y dosbarth safonol ar fusnes Gweinidogol ers iddo ddechrau yn ei swydd yn 2009. (WAQ57683)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): How many times has the First Minister used standard class rail travel on Ministerial business since he took up his position in 2009. (WAQ57683)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

The First Minister (Carwyn Jones): Ministers qualify for first class rail travel, as stated in paragraph 9.27 of the Ministerial Code.  

Whilst information is held on the numbers of Ministerial rail tickets purchased* we do not hold records of the class of ticket for all such purchases.  Since December 2009 23 rail tickets have been purchased for my Ministerial use.

* outward and return tickets are counted separately when purchased separately.

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Sawl aelod o staff Llywodraeth Cymru sydd â rhybuddion ar eu cofnod ar hyn o bryd yn dilyn camau disgyblu. (WAQ57688)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): How many Welsh Government staff currently have warnings on their records following disciplinary procedures. (WAQ57688)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 12 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 12 July 2011

The First Minister: This is a matter for the Permanent Secretary who will write to you.

Gweler Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol at Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad
See Information Further to Written Assembly Questions

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi manylion unrhyw newidiadau i God Ymddygiad Staff Llywodraeth Cymru yn y tair blynedd diwethaf. (WAQ57689)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Will the Minister detail any changes in the Welsh Government Staff Code of Conduct in the last three years. (WAQ57689)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 12 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 12 July 2011

The First Minister: This is a matter for the Permanent Secretary who will write to you.

Gweler Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol at Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad
See Information Further to Written Assembly Questions

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Sawl aelod o staff Llywodraeth Cymru sydd wedi mynd drwy broses ddisgyblu ym mhob un o’r tair blynedd diwethaf. (WAQ57690)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): How many Welsh Government staff have gone through a disciplinary process in each of the last three years. (WAQ57690)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 12 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 12 July 2011

The First Minister: This is a matter for the Permanent Secretary who will write to you.

Gweler Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol at Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad
See Information Further to Written Assembly Questions

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Sawl aelod o staff Llywodraeth Cymru sydd wedi colli eu swydd yn dilyn camau disgyblu ym mhob un o’r tair blynedd diwethaf. (WAQ57691)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): How many Welsh Government staff have lost their jobs following disciplinary procedures in each of the last three years. (WAQ57691)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 12 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 12 July 2011

The First Minister: This is a matter for the Permanent Secretary who will write to you.

Gweler Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol at Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad
See Information Further to Written Assembly Questions

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Busnes, Menter, Technoleg a Gwyddoniaeth
To ask the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Rhwng mis Medi 2009 a mis Ebrill 2011, sawl gwaith y mae’r Gweinidog wedi teithio ar y trên yn y dosbarth safonol ar fusnes Gweinidogol. (WAQ57686)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Between September 2009 and April 2011, how many times has the Minister used standard class rail travel on ministerial business. (WAQ57686)

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Rhwng mis Medi 2009 a mis Ebrill 2011, sawl gwaith y mae’r Gweinidog wedi teithio ar y trên yn y dosbarth cyntaf ar fusnes Gweinidogol. (WAQ57687)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Between September 2009 and April 2011, how many times has the Minister used standard class rail travel on ministerial business. (WAQ57687)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 13 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 13 July 2011

The Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science (Edwina Hart): Whilst information is held on the numbers of Ministerial rail tickets purchased* we do not hold records of the class of ticket for all such purchases. Between September 2009 and April 2011 6 rail tickets were purchased for my Ministerial use.

* outward and return tickets are counted separately when purchased separately.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch pa un ai a gyrhaeddwyd y targed i sicrhau bod yr holl ddosbarthiadau mewn ysgolion cynradd yn cydymffurfio â’r terfyn 30 disgybl erbyn Ionawr 2011, ac os na, beth yw lefel bresennol y dosbarthiadau gyda dros 30 o ddisgyblion. (WAQ57678)

Angela Burns (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): Will the Minister provide an update on whether the target to ensure all primary classes which were over the 30 pupil limit complied by January 2011 has been reached and, if not, what the current level of classes with over 30 pupils is. (WAQ57678)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 13 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 13 July 2011

The Minister for Education and Skills (Leighton Andrews): The Welsh Government has a target to ensure that all classes containing children aged 5 -7 comply with legislation on such classes by 31st January in each year. I can confirm that at January 2011, all classes complied. Where classes contained more than 30 pupils all such pupils were exceptions* permitted by the legislation.

*exceptions permitted by the legislation fall into the following broad categories

Pupils admitted due to a statement of SEN

Pupils who are looked after

Pupils admitted following an admissions appeal

Pupils admitted outside the admission round where admission number has not been reached

Pupils admitted to Welsh medium provision/ schools with a religious character where no other provision is within reasonable distance

Pupils normally placed in special schools or units but present in mainstream classes for part of the day.

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am yr ateb i WAQ52810. (WAQ57679)

Angela Burns (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): Will the Minister provide an update on the answer to WAQ52810. (WAQ57679)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

Leighton Andrews: The figures that you refer to in WAQ52810 were collated at a specific point in time, during the tenure of my predecessor from data provided by Local Authorities.  There are no plans to update this one off collation of information.

As you know the Welsh Government has established the 21st Century Schools programme, a first step in establishing this national programme was to obtain a comprehensive picture of the condition and suitability of all schools in Wales.  Working with Authorities, we have undertaken the first ever national survey of schools, the data collected covers condition, suitability and sufficiency of all schools in Wales. That data is being validated by Authorities and being used as part of their asset management and strategic planning.  

The 21st Century Schools programme aims to deliver a more strategic direction in terms of capital investment in schools, with alignment to school reorganisation, building condition and teaching and learning.  This may then remove the need for investment in maintenance and repair of buildings currently in use.

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): O ran ysgolion cynradd, a all y Gweinidog amlinellu’r camau y mae ef a’i adran wedi’u cymryd (ochr yn ochr ag Awdurdodau Addysg Lleol) i ostwng nifer y dosbarthiadau sydd dros y terfyn 30 disgybl, ar ôl cynnydd o 3.4% i 4.7% yn 2010. (WAQ57680)

Angela Burns (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): In relation to junior schools, could the Minister outline the action he, and his department has taken (alongside LEAs) to bring down the number of classes exceeding the 30 pupil limit, after a rise from 3.4% to 4.7% in 2010. (WAQ57680)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 13 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 13 July 2011

Leighton Andrews: My department monitors class sizes for pupils aged 7-11 and encourages all local authorities to make every effort to avoid exceeding the 30 pupil limit. This limit is not statutory for Key Stage 2 pupils. In the 2006/7 financial year £18 million was transferred into the revenue grant settlement to enable local authorities to maintain class sizes at this level. In September 2010, whilst 4.7% of Key Stage 2 classes contained more than 30 pupils, once the children excepted under the policy were taken into account, only 2.0% of classes did not comply. Exceptions allowed under the Key Stage 2 policy are similar to those allowed for infant class sizes.

Gofyn i Weinidog yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu Cynaliadwy
To ask the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development

William Powell (Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru): Pa gynlluniau sydd gan y Gweinidog ar gyfer y Comisiwn ar y Newid yn yr Hinsawdd. (WAQ57675)

William Powell (Mid and West Wales): What plans does the Minister have for the Climate Change Commission. (WAQ57675)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

The Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development (John Griffiths): The Climate Change Commission is an independent forum established by the Welsh Government in 2007 to build consensus on climate change in Wales and to help identify the action needed to tackle its causes and consequences.  Since its establishment, the Commission has made a key contribution to the development of our Climate Change Strategy for Wales and the Commission’s work remains central to the delivery of the Welsh Government’s commitments to tackle climate change.  

William Powell (Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru): Beth fydd perthynas y Comisiwn ar y Newid yn yr Hinsawdd ag (a) y Comisiwn Datblygu Cynaliadwy a (b) Cynnal Cymru. (WAQ57676)

William Powell (Mid and West Wales): What relationship will the Climate Change Commission have with (a) the Sustainable Development Commission and (b) Cynnal Cymru. (WAQ57676)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

John Griffiths: The Welsh Government established the Climate Change Commission in 2007 to help build consensus on climate change in Wales and to mobilise action to tackle its causes and consequences.  

Cynnal Cymru currently provides the Welsh Government with some of the support previously provided by the Sustainable Development Commission before its closure.  

William Powell (Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru): A fydd y Comisiwn ar y Newid yn yr Hinsawdd (neu unrhyw gorff olynol) yn dal i gael penodiadau uniongyrchol gan bleidiau gwleidyddol, grwpiau gwahanol o gymdeithas sifil a rhanddeiliaid amgylcheddol.  (WAQ57677)

William Powell (Mid and West Wales): Will the Climate Change Commission (or any successor body) still retain direct appointments from political parties, various groups in civic society and environmental stakeholders. (WAQ57677)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

John Griffiths: The Welsh Government established the Climate Change Commission in 2007 by bringing together key sector and political representatives and organisations to help build consensus on climate change in Wales and to mobilise action to tackle its causes and consequences.  

As the Commission is an independent forum, the appointment of individual representatives to the Commission is a matter for the chair.  

However, I fully anticipate that the Commission will retain its cross-sector and cross-party representation going forward to ensure that the collaborative approach for tackling climate change in Wales is maintained.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Faint o Feddygon Teulu sydd ar hyn o bryd yn darparu gwasanaeth 'y tu allan i oriau’ o Ysbyty Nevill Hall a beth oedd y ffigur yn 2004. (WAQ57671)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): How many GPs currently provide an 'out of hours’ service from Nevill Hall Hospital and what was the figure in 2004. (WAQ57671)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 12 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 12 July 2011

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Lesley Griffiths): This information is not held centrally.

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Faint mae’r gwasanaeth Meddygon Teulu 'y tu allan i oriau' a ddarperir gan Ysbyty Nevill Hall yn ei gostio a faint oedd y gost yn 2004. (WAQ57672)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): What is the current cost of the 'out of hours’ GP service provided by Nevill Hall Hospital and what was the cost in 2004. (WAQ57672)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 12 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 12 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: This information is not held centrally.

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i wella gwasanaethau gofal lliniarol yn sir Fynwy. (WAQ57673)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): What is the Welsh Government doing to improve palliative care services in Monmouthshire. (WAQ57673)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: Wales is leading the way in the UK in improving palliative and end of life care services.

Led by the Palliative Care Implementation Board, significant improvements in the provision of palliative and end of life care have been made over the last three years to ensure patients receive high quality flexible palliative care wherever and whenever they need it in Wales, including Monmouthshire.  These improvements, which include access to specialist palliative care on a 7day-a-week  basis, with expert consultant advice available to all clinical teams in Wales on a 24/7 basis, have benefited and are benefiting from the additional central £6.888m funding being made available by the Welsh Government.

In addition, the Implementation Board is developing a set of quality standards and quality outcome measures, to help drive further improvements to palliative and end of life care across the whole of Wales.

Mark Isherwood (Gogledd Cymru): Pa gamau y mae’r Gweinidog yn bwriadu eu cymryd ynghylch yr argymhellion i wella gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl ar gyfer pobl fyddar, a baratowyd gan ddau grwp llywio ac a gyflwynwyd i’r cyn Weinidog fis Medi diwethaf. (WAQ57674)

Mark Isherwood (North Wales): What action does the Minister intend to take in respect of the recommendations to improve mental health services for deaf people, prepared by two steering groups and delivered to the former Minister last September. (WAQ57674)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: The Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) Joint Committee concluded its discussions in March regarding input into the specialist commissioning component of the service.  A follow up letter was sent to The National Deaf Children’s Society in May, confirming that the outcome of the discussions was to agree that this should be progressed as a local planning issue by the individual Local Health Boards and then reported back to the Joint Committee.

A Delivery Assurance Group (DAG) was convened to help progress the recommendations from Breaking the Barriers, which includes work to strengthen improvement in this area.  The DAG has met twice since January.  A National Expert Reference Group of key practitioners has also been convened and this reports to the DAG.  Its work programme includes further considering activity on developing a care pathway for deaf children, a key recommendation of the Breaking the Barriers Action Plan.

Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services continue to accept referrals of Deaf children, using support from the English National Deaf Service where required.

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Rhwng mis Medi 2009 a mis Ebrill 2011, sawl gwaith y mae’r Gweinidog wedi teithio ar y trên yn y dosbarth cyntaf ar fusnes Gweinidogol. (WAQ57684)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Between September 2009 and April 2011, how many times has the Minister used first class rail travel on ministerial business. (WAQ57684)

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Rhwng mis Medi 2009 a mis Ebrill 2011, sawl gwaith y mae’r Gweinidog wedi teithio ar y trên yn y dosbarth safonol ar fusnes Gweinidogol. (WAQ57685)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): Between September 2009 and April 2011, how many times has the Minister used standard class rail travel on ministerial business. (WAQ57685)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 15 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 15 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: Whilst information is held on the numbers of Ministerial rail tickets purchased* we do not hold records of the class of ticket for all such purchases.  Between September 2009 and April 2011 59 rail tickets were purchased for my Ministerial use.

* outward and return tickets are counted separately when purchased separately.