18/07/2014 - Cwestiynau ac Atebion Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad

Cyhoeddwyd 08/08/2014   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 16/12/2024

Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad a gyflwynwyd ar 11 Gorffennaf 2014 i'w hateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

R - Yn dynodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant.
W - Yn dynodi bod y cwestiwn wedi'i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg.

(Dangosir rhif gwreiddiol y Cwestiwn mewn cromfachau)

Rhaid cyflwyno Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig o leiaf bum diwrnod gwaith cyn y disgwylir iddynt gael eu hateb. Yn ymarferol, bydd Gweinidogion yn ceisio ateb o fewn saith neu wyth diwrnod ond nid oes rheidrwydd arnynt i wneud hynny. Cyhoeddir yr atebion unwaith iddynt gael eu derbyn yn yr iaith y’u cyflwynir ynddi, gyda chyfieithiad i’r Saesneg o ymatebion a roddir yn y Gymraeg.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Cyfoeth Naturiol, Diwylliant a Chwaraeon

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog nodi pa fesurau sydd ar waith i sicrhau bod gan holl hyfforddwyr pêl-droed Cymru wiriadau cyfredol gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd? (WAQ67409)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 22 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Cyfoeth Naturiol, Diwylliant a Chwaraeon (John Griffiths): The safeguarding of junior players and vulnerable parties is taken very seriously by the FAW, who provide a considerable amount of support and guidance to clubs and coaches. At the start of each season every club and academy’s Safeguarding Officer has to submit the details of all their coaches, including formal DBS documentation, to the FAW via their Junior Football Portal. The information is then checked by the FAW Safeguarding Team and Welsh Football Trust prior to accreditation.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog nodi pa fesurau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymgymryd â hwy i gyrraedd ei tharged 2017 ar gyfer lleihau allgau digidol ar ôl i'r cyllid ar gyfer Cymunedau 2.0 ddod i ben ym mis Mawrth 2015? (WAQ67408)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 15 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi (Jeff Cuthbert):
  • I am fully committed to tackling digital exclusion, as demonstrated by the challenging 2017 targets set out in the recently updated Digital Inclusion Delivery Plan. It is clear given the significant numbers of people that still do not use the internet that digital inclusion activities will need to continue beyond Communities 2.0. Options for future Welsh Government led digital inclusion support are currently being considered and an announcement will be made in due course. An independent evaluation of Communities 2.0 is ongoing which will inform this work.

  • There are many examples of digital inclusion activities taking place across the public, private and third sectors in Wales both in partnership with and independently of Communities 2.0. Many of these were identified in the updated Digital Inclusion Delivery Plan. Successor activities to Communities 2.0 must build on this partnership approach; complement existing activities; and plug gaps where these are identified.

One of the key objectives of Communities 2.0 has been to embed sustainability so that key partner organisations and programmes that work with digitally excluded groups can continue to contribute to the digital inclusion of citizens as part of their normal delivery. These include local authorities, social housing providers, County Voluntary Councils, Job Centre Plus, libraries, disability organisations and Communities First Clusters. It is vital that Digital inclusion continues to be mainstreamed to ensure that as many organisations and individuals as possible contribute to the delivery of targets set out in the plan.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau

Simon Thomas (Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y bwriad polisi tu ôl i'r Gorchymyn Addysg (Ysgolion Bach) (Cymru) 2014 a'r uchafswm o 91 o ddisgyblion a bennwyd ar gyfer diffinio ysgol fach? (WAQ67407)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Addysg a Sgiliau (Huw Lewis): The Education (Wales) Measure 2011 provides that a small school will be defined in a Small Schools Order. The policy intention is to allow for a more streamlined process to facilitate the federation of small schools, recognising that exercising local authorities’ power to federate schools would generate much work for local authorities which maintain large numbers of small schools.

It also allows small schools to more easily take advantage of the opportunities federation offers, in terms of sharing best practice and resources for the benefit of all pupils and staff in the schools involved.

The Education (Small Schools) (Wales) Order 2014 defines a small school as one with fewer than 91 pupils. The Welsh Government originally consulted on proposals for a small school to be defined as having 100 pupils or less, in line with the number set out in the Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005 requiring a smaller governing body.

However, consultation respondents considered that the number should be consistent with the definition of a small school used by HMI Estyn and the Wales Audit Office, which is a school with fewer than 91 pupils. The definition of a small school in the Small School Order was subsequently revised to reflect consultation responses.

Further details are in the Explanatory Memorandum to the Education (Wales) Measure and the Explanatory Memoranda which accompanies the Small School’s Order and the Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014, which can be accessed on the National Assembly for Wales website.


Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi gwybod pa ddarpariaethau cyllideb sydd yn eu lle i ganiatáu ar gyfer y cynllun cymhorthdal ​​myfyrwyr Cymru cyfredol, yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhai sy'n mynychu prifysgolion y tu allan i Gymru, o fis Medi 2014 ymlaen? (WAQ67412)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau (Huw Lewis): Payments for the tuition fee grant are made by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. The latest forecast suggest that the overall cost of the tuition fee grant for the academic year 2014/15 will be £227.5m and the cost for Welsh students studying in England will be £83.6m.


Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): Beth yw cost y papur ymchwil i werthuso effaith Twf Swyddi Cymru a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy'n cael ei gwblhau ar hyn o bryd gan Ipsos MORI? (WAQ67415)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Sgiliau a Thechnoleg (Ken Skates): To date the impact evaluation research paper, which is currently being finalised by Ipsos MORI has cost £101,202.30.

The primary research for the impact evaluation research paper was completed in October 2013 and will be published in September 2014.

The primary data collected for this evaluation so far was obtained through a combination of qualitative research (e.g. in-depth telephone interviews with young people and employer, case studies) and quantitative research (including telephone surveys with participants, unsuccessful applicants and employers). Whilst the publication of primary data is not planned, much of the analysis of this data will be presented in the report that we will published in September 2014.


Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): Pryd y cwblhawyd yr ymchwil cychwynnol ar gyfer y papur ymchwil i werthuso effaith Twf Swyddi Cymru a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy'n cael ei gwblhau ar hyn o bryd gan Ipsos MORI? (WAQ67416)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Ken Skates: To date the impact evaluation research paper, which is currently being finalised by Ipsos MORI has cost £101,202.30.

The primary research for the impact evaluation research paper was completed in October 2013 and will be published in September 2014.

The primary data collected for this evaluation so far was obtained through a combination of qualitative research (e.g. in-depth telephone interviews with young people and employer, case studies) and quantitative research (including telephone surveys with participants, unsuccessful applicants and employers). Whilst the publication of primary data is not planned, much of the analysis of this data will be presented in the report that we will published in September 2014.


Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): A fydd y Gweinidog yn cyhoeddi'r papur ymchwil i werthuso effaith Twf Swyddi Cymru a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy'n cael ei gwblhau ar hyn o bryd gan Ipsos MORI? (WAQ67417)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Ken Skates: To date the impact evaluation research paper, which is currently being finalised by Ipsos MORI has cost £101,202.30.

The primary research for the impact evaluation research paper was completed in October 2013 and will be published in September 2014.

The primary data collected for this evaluation so far was obtained through a combination of qualitative research (e.g. in-depth telephone interviews with young people and employer, case studies) and quantitative research (including telephone surveys with participants, unsuccessful applicants and employers). Whilst the publication of primary data is not planned, much of the analysis of this data will be presented in the report that we will published in September 2014.


Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): Beth yw'r dyddiad cyhoeddi disgwyliedig ar gyfer y papur ymchwil i werthuso effaith Twf Swyddi Cymru a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy'n cael ei gwblhau ar hyn o bryd gan Ipsos MORI? (WAQ67418)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Ken Skates: To date the impact evaluation research paper, which is currently being finalised by Ipsos MORI has cost £101,202.30.

The primary research for the impact evaluation research paper was completed in October 2013 and will be published in September 2014.

The primary data collected for this evaluation so far was obtained through a combination of qualitative research (e.g. in-depth telephone interviews with young people and employer, case studies) and quantitative research (including telephone surveys with participants, unsuccessful applicants and employers). Whilst the publication of primary data is not planned, much of the analysis of this data will be presented in the report that we will published in September 2014.


Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gyhoeddi'r papur ymchwil i werthuso effaith Twf Swyddi Cymru a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy'n cael ei gwblhau ar hyn o bryd gan Ipsos MORI? (WAQ67419)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Ken Skates: To date the impact evaluation research paper, which is currently being finalised by Ipsos MORI has cost £101,202.30.

The primary research for the impact evaluation research paper was completed in October 2013 and will be published in September 2014.

The primary data collected for this evaluation so far was obtained through a combination of qualitative research (e.g. in-depth telephone interviews with young people and employer, case studies) and quantitative research (including telephone surveys with participants, unsuccessful applicants and employers). Whilst the publication of primary data is not planned, much of the analysis of this data will be presented in the report that we will published in September 2014.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Cyllid

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi gwybod o dan ba feini prawf y byddai awdurdod lleol yn gallu anwybyddu gweithdrefnau caffael safonol fel y'u pennwyd gan ddatganiad polisi caffael Llywodraeth Cymru? (WAQ67410)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Weinidog Cyllid (Jane Hutt): I announced the Wales Procurement Policy Statement in December 2012 and made it clear I did not consider adoption of the policies to be optional.

Every council has confirmed their commitment to adopt the principles of the Policy.


Kirsty Williams (Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu dadansoddiad o'r symiau canlyniadol Barnett y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael o ganlyniad i'r cyhoeddiadau polisi gofal plant yn ystod tymor presennol Senedd y DU ac ym mha flwyddyn gyllidol y derbyniwyd yr arian hwn neu a fydd yr arian yn cael ei dderbyn? (WAQ66413)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 22 Gorffennaf 2014

Jane Hutt: The table below sets out the Barnett consequentials the Welsh Government has received as a result of the childcare policy announcements over the current Parliament.

Budget  Policy  2012-132013-142014-152015-16
Autumn Statement 2011Early Years Childcare4.111.622.0-
Budget 2014Early Years Pupil Premium---2.9
Total 4.111.622.02.9

Other childcare policy announcements impact the tax and benefits systems and do not generate Barnett consequentials.


Kirsty Williams (Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed): Faint o gyllid canlyniadol Barnett y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i gael o ganlyniad i'r cyhoeddiad ar Growth Deals gan Lywodraeth y DU ac ym mha flwyddyn gyllidol y derbyniwyd y cyllid hwn neu a fydd yn cael ei dderbyn? (WAQ67414)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 22 Gorffennaf 2014

Jane Hutt: As part of the 2013 Spending Round the UK Government announced the creation of a Single Local Growth Fund of £2 billion in 2015-16. This fund is sourced from a variety of departmental budgets including transport, skills and housing budgets. Any funding within those departmental budgets would have been linked to our overall settlement arising from that Spending Round. The individual settlements are not broken down below the UK departmental level.

Since that announcement the UK Government has detailed other measures, in the 2013 Autumn Statement, which link to the Single Growth Fund. These included an increase in Housing Revenue Account borrowing limits; the Large Sites Scheme an investment programme to fund infrastructure to unlock new large housing sites; and £110m from the Regional Growth Fund.

Of these schemes only the Large Sites scheme generates Barnett consequentials, £2.9m in 2014-15 and £12.3m in 2015-16. These consequentials are ring-fenced for use in financial transactions and will need to be repaid to the UK Government.

Other elements of recent Growth Deals announcement by the UK Government extend beyond the current spending period.


Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Busnes y Llywodraeth

Janet Finch-Saunders (Aberconwy): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi gwybod faint o'r ceisiadau Rhyddid Gwybodaeth a gafwyd gan awdurdodau lleol nad chafodd ymateb o fewn y terfynau amser penodedig, yn ôl ardal awdurdod lleol? (WAQ67411)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 18 Gorffennaf 2014

Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Busnes y Llywodraeth (Lesley Griffiths): The Welsh Government does not hold this information.