20/07/2011 - Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i'w hateb ar 20 Gorffennaf 2011

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Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i’w hateb ar 20 Gorffennaf 2011
Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 20 July 2011

Cyhoeddir atebion yn yr iaith y’u darparwyd, gyda chyfieithiad Saesneg o atebion yn y Gymraeg.

Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

[R] yn nodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant/signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] yn nodi bod y cwestiwn wedi’i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg/signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Busnes, Menter, Technoleg a Gwyddoniaeth
Questions to the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau  
Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Tai, Adfywio a Threftadaeth  
Questions to the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau
Questions to the Minister for Local Government and Communities

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Busnes, Menter, Technoleg a Gwyddoniaeth
To ask the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): O gofio sylwadau’r Prif Weinidog i BBC Cymru ar 13 Gorffennaf 2011, pa bryd y gallwn ddisgwyl datganiad ffurfiol gan y Gweinidog yn amlinellu’r cynlluniau ar gyfer Parthau Menter yng Nghymru. (WAQ57747)

Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): Given the First Minister’s comments to BBC Wales on 13 July 2011, when can we expect a formal statement from the Minister outlining plans for Enterprise Zones in Wales. (WAQ57747)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 22 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 22 July 2011

The Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science (Edwina Hart): I will continue my deliberations over the summer and will make an announcement in due course.

Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): A yw’r Gweinidog yn mynd i gynnig cymorth uniongyrchol i borthladdoedd segur (a chyfleusterau tebyg) er mwyn eu paratoi ar gyfer busnesau newydd. (WAQ57748)

Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): Is the Minister going to offer direct support to disused ports (and similar facilities) in order to equip them for new businesses. (WAQ57748)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 22 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 22 July 2011

Edwina Hart: I am reflecting on the most effective way to support Welsh businesses and will determine the way forward in due course.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills

Aled Roberts (Gogledd Cymru): Ar ba ddyddiad y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyhoeddi'r dangosyddion, y fethodoleg a strwythur y graddfeydd a gaiff eu defnyddio fel rhan o’r system bandio (categoreiddio) ysgolion, fel y cytunwyd gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn NDM4775. (WAQ57740)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): On what date will the Welsh Government publish the indicators, methodology and grade structure that will be used as part of the school banding (categorisation) system, as agreed by the National Assembly in NDM4775. (WAQ57740)

Aled Roberts (Gogledd Cymru): Ar ba ddyddiad y bydd ysgolion yn cael gwybod ym mha fand y maent wedi cael eu gosod fel rhan o’r system bandio (categoreiddio) ysgolion a pha bryd y caiff y wybodaeth hon ei chyhoeddi. (WAQ57741)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): On what date will schools be informed about which banding they have been placed in as part of the school banding (categorisation) system and when will the information be made public. (WAQ57741)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 25 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 25 July 2011

Leighton Andrews: The banding model is still under development although the School Standards Unit has been testing a pilot model with sector representatives. Feedback will help us to refine the final model. The model and banding outcomes will be shared with consortia, local authorities and schools in the autumn term.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

David Melding (Canol De Cymru): A yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno unrhyw sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU am y newidiadau arfaethedig i gynllun pensiwn y GIG. (WAQ57737)

David Melding (South Wales Central): Has the Welsh Government made any representations to the UK Government on the proposed changes to the NHS pension scheme. (WAQ57737)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 25 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 25 July 2011

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Lesley Griffiths): The Welsh Government has been represented in the recent UK discussions with Trade Unions on the proposed changes to public sector pensions. I have recently written to Andrew Lansley MP to ensure full involvement in sector specific discussions and have asked my officials to keep me appraised of proposals for the NHS.  

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am weithredu canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru ar ofal ysbrydol yn y GIG. (WAQ57738)

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister provide an update on the implementation of the Welsh Government's guidance on spiritual care in the NHS. (WAQ57738)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 04 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 04 August 2011

Lesley Griffiths:  The Standards, Capabilities and Competences Framework for Spiritual Care givers and supporting guidance was issued to NHS organisations on 25 May 2010.  Progress on implementation of the Standards has been good with many of the criteria in each Standard having already been met across all organisations.

The Chief Nursing Officer recently wrote to all NHS organisations asking them for an update on their progress in regard to the identified criteria, which had either been partially met or not yet met, by 15 July.  We will scrutinise the responses to identify any further improvements which may be necessary.

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynnydd a wneir i wella mynediad at wasanaethau gofal traed ledled Cymru ac a fydd yn lansio ymgynghoriad ar y mater hwn. (WAQ57739)

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Will the Minister provide an update on the progress being made to improve access to foot care services across Wales and whether she will be launching a consultation on this issue. (WAQ57739)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 25 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 25 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: Provision of NHS podiatry services is a matter for local determination by Local Health Boards (LHBs).  Clinical resources are targeted toward patients with a medical need including people with diabetes and peripheral vascular disorders.   I have asked the NHS to make improvements to the delivery of therapy services, including podiatry.

In respect of basic foot care (i.e. nail cutting), the former Minister for Health and Social Services commissioned a scoping study to examine the availability of services in Wales.  A Consultation Group explored the issues and developed proposals to improve services for the future.  Their Report made a total of 12 recommendations and presented 3 funding options.  The previous Administration reconvened meetings with the Consultation Group together with LHB Heads of Podiatry to consider the report’s findings.  A consensus outcome was reached by the group and this was issued to LHBs to discuss with local stakeholders and respond.  These responses have now been received and are currently being analysed before final guidance to LHBs is issued.

Mark Isherwood (Gogledd Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch pa bryd y bydd y Grwp Cynghori newydd ar Weithredu ym maes Anabledd Dysgu yn cyfarfod.  (WAQ57742)

Mark Isherwood (North Wales): Will the Minister provide an update on when the new Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group will meet. (WAQ57742)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 21 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 21 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: The work of the original Learning Disability Implementation Advisory Group came to an end in 2010. At the close of the previous administration the then Minister for Health and Social Services agreed that a successor Group should be established.

The Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services has recently agreed to a recruitment process to appoint a new co-Chair to the Group. In order to ensure  an individual with the right skills, experience and capacity to undertake the work can be considered, a process will commence shortly seeking expressions of interest for the post. Once the co-chair is appointed dates for future meetings will be arranged.

Kirsty Williams (Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed): Pa bryd y mae’r Gweinidog yn bwriadu rhoi’r cynllun Mân Anhwylderau Cymru Gyfan ar waith fel yr addawyd ym maniffesto etholiadol y Blaid Lafur. (WAQ57743)

Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): When does the Minister intend to initiate an All Wales Minor Ailment scheme as promised in Labour's election manifesto. (WAQ57743)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 25 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 25 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: I am keen to support a scheme that promotes community pharmacy in Wales as the first port of call for the consultation and treatment of minor ailments. Detailed scoping work is scheduled to commence in August 2011.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Tai, Adfywio a Threftadaeth
To ask the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage

Kirsty Williams (Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed): A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu'r cyfeiriad a osododd ar gyfer ei bortffolio yn yr araith a draddododd i’r Sefydliad Bevan ar 12 Gorffennaf. (WAQ57744)

Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minister outline the direction he set for his portfolio in the speech he gave to the Bevan Foundation on 12th July. (WAQ57744)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 22 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 22 July 2011

The Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage (Huw Lewis): During my address to the Bevan Foundation I re-iterated that housing is the key to raising the standard of living for the people of Wales - rising to this challenge will be fundamental over the next five years. The Housing Bill, combined with existing programmes and new developments, will be crucial in addressing this challenge. I am putting great emphasis on helping people to manage the impact of changes to housing benefit and we will contribute to research over the next two years to monitor the impact on individuals and their families.  

Our rich heritage can have a major impact on the regeneration of our communities, Blaenavon is a perfect example of how transforming our perception of our industrial past can reap economic and social benefits for the community, whilst providing an important insight into our past for locals and visitors the world over.

It is important that we recognise these opportunities and work with our partners to maximise the benefits and I want to see a further strengthening of our heritage led regeneration initiatives.

I also stated that I want the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Welsh Government to work with local authorities to secure the conservation of valued but vulnerable buildings. I noted that encouraging people to become engaged in our heritage is important.  Cadw will be continuing with its historic characterisation work across Wales and I look forward to the outcome of that work, informing closer collaboration between regeneration and housing.   

In addition, I made it clear that ensuring our children have 'physical literacy’ is also important and I confirmed that the Welsh Government will continue investing in Free Swimming initiatives.

Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau
To ask the Minister for Local Government and Communities

Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): Pa drafodaeth y mae’r Gweinidog wedi’i chael â Llywodraeth y DU i ddatblygu achos busnes llawn dros drydaneiddio rheilffyrdd Cymoedd Caerdydd yn y cyfnod nesaf o reoli buddsoddi mewn rheilffyrdd.  (WAQ57745)

Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): What discussion has the Minister had with the UK Government to develop a full business case for the electrification of the Cardiff Valley lines within the next rail investment control period. (WAQ57745)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 21 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 21 July 2011

The Minister for Local Government and Communities (Carl Sargeant): I wrote to the Secretary of State for Transport, Philip Hammond, on 14 June about this matter and my officials have also discussed this in detail with their counterparts at the Department for Transport.

Eluned Parrott (Canol De Cymru): Pa drafodaethau y mae’r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gydag a) Network Rail a b) Trenau Arriva Cymru ynghylch trydaneiddio Rheilffyrdd Cymoedd Caerdydd. (WAQ57746)

Eluned Parrott (South Wales Central): What discussions has the Minister had with a) Network Rail and b) Arriva Trains Wales regarding electrification of the Cardiff Valleys Lines. (WAQ57746)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 21 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 21 July 2011

Carl Sargeant: I met with the Managing Director of Arriva Trains Wales, Mr Tim Bell, on 4 July and this was one of a number of issues that we discussed. I will be meeting the new Chief Executive of Network Rail soon and will also raise this matter with him.