27/07/2011 - Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i'w hateb ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011

Cyhoeddwyd 13/06/2014   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 13/06/2014

Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i’w hateb ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answers to the Written Assembly Questions for answer on 27 July 2011

Cyhoeddir atebion yn yr iaith y’u darparwyd, gyda chyfieithiad Saesneg o atebion yn y Gymraeg.

Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

[R] yn nodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant/signifies that the Member has declared an interest.
[W] yn nodi bod y cwestiwn wedi’i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg/signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.


Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Busnes, Menter, Technoleg a Gwyddoniaeth
Questions to the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau  
Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills

Cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu Cynaliadwy  
Questions to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Cyllid ac Arweinydd y Tŷ
Questions to the Minister for Finance and Leader of the House

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services

Cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau
Questions to the Minister for Local Government and Communities

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Busnes, Menter, Technoleg a Gwyddoniaeth
To ask the Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Pa ddata amgylcheddol ac ecolegol a ddefnyddir ar hyn o bryd gan Glastir i ddatblygu ac asesu agweddau ar y cynllun. (WAQ57766)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): What environmental and ecological data is currently being employed by Glastir in developing and assessing aspects of the scheme. (WAQ57766)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 27 July 2011

The Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and European Programmes (Alun Davies): Glastir was developed using the best available environmental and ecological data, collated from a wide range of sources including statutory agencies and other stakeholders. In total 105 different data sets have been employed to support the development of the scheme.

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Pa gynlluniau wrth gefn sydd gan y Gweinidog rhag ofn na fydd y data amgylcheddol ac ecolegol, a ddefnyddir ar hyn o bryd gan Glastir i ddatblygu ac asesu agweddau ar y cynllun, yn ddigon cadarn. (WAQ57767)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): What plans does the Minister have in place in case the environmental and ecological data currently being employed by Glastir in developing and assessing aspects of the scheme is not robust enough. (WAQ57767)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 27 July 2011

Alun Davies: Glastir was developed using the best available environmental and ecological data. In the vast majority of cases these are based on scientifically robust and up to date data collected from detailed surveillance monitoring. In some cases the best available data is based on shorter time series monitoring or less detailed studies. Where the quality of available datasets has been shown to be weak their use has either been discontinued or mechanisms have been put in place to qualify their use.

Peter Black (Gorllewin De Cymru): A oes gan y Gweinidog unrhyw gynlluniau i ddiwygio ardrethi busnes fel bo cynghorau lleol yn gallu cadw rhywfaint neu’r cwbl o’r ardrethi busnes a gasglant. (WAQ57768)

Peter Black (South Wales West): Does the Minister have any plans to reform business rates to allow local councils to retain some or all of the business rates that they collect. (WAQ57768)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 27 July 2011

Edwina Hart: I will consider this as part of the review of business rates policy in Wales.

Peter Black (Gorllewin De Cymru): A yw’r Gweinidog wedi gwneud unrhyw asesiad o’r goblygiadau i Gymru yn sgil y cynigion i ganiatáu cynghorau lleol yn Lloegr i gadw eu hardrethi busnes, fel y cyhoeddwyd gan y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ar 29 Mehefin 2011. (WAQ57769)

Peter Black (South Wales West): Has the Minister made any assessment of the implications for Wales of the proposals to allow local councils in England to keep their business rates, as announced by the Deputy Prime Minister on 29 June 2011. (WAQ57769)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 27 July 2011

Edwina Hart: I will be considering the implications for Wales as part of the review of business rates policy in Wales.

Peter Black (Gorllewin De Cymru): Pa drafodaethau y mae’r Gweinidog wedi’u cael gyda’i gyd-Weinidog yn y DU ynghylch y goblygiadau i Gymru yn sgil y cynigion i ganiatáu cynghorau lleol yn Lloegr i gadw eu hardrethi busnes, fel y cyhoeddwyd gan y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ar 29 Mehefin 2011. (WAQ57770)

Peter Black (South Wales West): What discussions has the minister had with his UK counterpart about the implications for Wales of the proposals to allow local councils in England to keep their business rates, as announced by the Deputy Prime Minister on 29 June 2011. (WAQ57770)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 27 July 2011

Edwina Hart: No formal discussions on these proposals have been held with the UK Government.

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Addysg a Sgiliau
To ask the Minister for Education and Skills

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Pa gynlluniau sydd gan y Gweinidog i gyflwyno Teach First yng Nghymru. (WAQ57760)

Angela Burns (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): What plans does the Minister have to introduce Teach First in Wales. (WAQ57760)

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu manylion llawn unrhyw gyfarfod y mae wedi’i gael ynghylch Teach First, yn ogystal â nodi pwy oedd yn y cyfarfod a dyddiad y cyfarfod. (WAQ57761)

Angela Burns (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): Will the Minister outline full details of any meeting he has had regarding Teach First, who the meeting was with and the date of the meeting. (WAQ57761)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 29 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 29 July 2011

The Minister for Education and Skills (Leighton Andrews): I have had meetings with representatives of Teach First on 24 March and 14 July this year.  The purpose of the meetings was to listen to proposals which Teach First wished to make on how their work aimed at addressing educational disadvantage might operate if it were extended to cover Wales.

I have asked for some work to be carried out to set out what would need to be done if such a programme were to operate in Wales.  No final decision has been made about this, and any changes which might be proposed to related teacher training requirements would need to go to consultation before such a programme could operate.

Aled Roberts (Gogledd Cymru): Ar gyfer 2009, 2010 a’r flwyddyn bresennol, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ddarparu manylion am nifer y troseddwyr yng Ngharchar Abertawe a oedd yn dilyn hyfforddiant galwedigaethol statudol fel y nodir yn y Gorchymyn Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau a ddaeth i rym yn 2009, gan nodi pob cyfanswm fel canran ac fel rhif. (WAQ57774)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): For the years 2009, 2010 and the current year, will the Minister detail how many offenders in Swansea Prison were undertaking statutory vocational training as set out in the Transfer of Functions Order which came into force in 2009, expressing each amount as a percentage and numerically. (WAQ57774)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 27 July 2011

The Deputy Minister for Skills (Jeff Cuthbert): The prison population at HMP Swansea is aged 18 and over.  There are therefore no statutory requirements, under the Transfer of Functions Order which came into force in 2009, for offenders to undertake statutory vocational training.

Gofyn i Weinidog yr Amgylchedd a Datblygu Cynaliadwy
To ask the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Pa bryd y tynnwyd sylw Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyntaf at y ffaith bod capasiti dangosol yr Ardaloedd Chwilio Strategol wedi croesi’r trothwyon a nodwyd. (WAQ57753)

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): When was the Welsh Government first made aware that the indicative capacities of the Strategic Search Areas had exceeded their stated limits. (WAQ57753)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

The Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development (John Griffiths): I will write to you and a copy of the letter will be placed on the internet.  

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 04 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 04 August 2011

John Griffiths: The Welsh Government has been monitoring the levels of developer interest in the Strategic Search Areas annually since Technical Advice Note 8 was published in 2005. The most recent monitoring relates to April 2011 and it was this data which confirmed the high levels of developer interest in the Strategic Search Areas.

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Beth yw ffigurau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer lefelau llygredd morol yn nyfroedd Cymru ers datganoli a beth yw ei rhagolygon ar gyfer y pum mlynedd nesaf. (WAQ57754)

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): What are Welsh Government figures for marine pollution levels in Welsh waters since devolution and what are its projections for the next five years. (WAQ57754)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 29 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 29 July 2011

John Griffiths: We are making progress towards achieving clean and safe seas.  The Welsh Government’s State of the Environment Report shows an improvement in the level of hazardous substances in the marine environment. The data on 5-year average loads presents a general downward trend for a range of substances since 1997. We expect this trend to carry on as we continue to implement a number of European Directives, including the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in working towards achieving good environmental status in Europe’s seas by 2020.

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): A oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru ffigurau cyfredol am nifer y tyrbinau gwynt ar y tir yng Nghymru a sut y caiff y ffigurau hynny eu dosbarthu fesul ardal awdurdod lleol. (WAQ57755)

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): Does the Welsh Government have current figures for the amount of onshore wind turbines there are in Wales and how are those figures broken down by local authority area. (WAQ57755)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 29 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 29 July 2011

John Griffiths: Onshore turbines generally fall into one of two categories; smaller scale community or microgeneration generating turbines with an installed generating output less than 0.5 Megawatts (MW) or larger scale turbines with an installed generating capacity typically between 1- 2MW.  The Welsh Government monitors the total installed generating capacity from onshore wind turbines which receive support through either the Feed-In-Tariff or Renewable Obligation financial mechanisms.

As of July 2011, there are approximately 103 onshore wind schemes in Wales, under 0.5 MW with a total capacity of 0.644 MW and drawing support under the Feed-In-Tariff Scheme. These are broken down by local authority level as follows:

Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i'w hateb ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011


0.046 MW


0.011 MW


0.012 MW


0.006 MW


0.073 MW


0.051 MW


0.021 MW


0.018 MW


0.052 MW


0.012 MW


0.026 MW


0.163 MW


0.122 MW

Vale of Glamorgan

0.012 MW


0.02 MW

As of July 2011, there are approximately 34 onshore wind schemes in Wales greater than 0.5 MW with a total capacity of approximately 350 MW, these are broken down by local authority level as follows:

and are set out in the following table:-

Anglesey  20.4 MW

Cardiff 2 MW

Carmarthenshire 38.3 MW

Ceredigion 80.45 MW

Conwy 19 MW

Denbighshire 30.45 MW

Gwynedd 7.05 MW

Neath Port Talbot 58 MW

Newport 5 MW

Pembrokeshire 3.2 MW

Powys 79.45 MW

Rhondda Cynon Taf 6.4 MW

Renewables Obligation Certificates and Feed In Tariffs can be obtained via the Department of Energy and Climate Change website.

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Faint y mae tipio anghyfreithlon wedi’i gostio i awdurdodau lleol dros y pum mlynedd ariannol diwethaf. (WAQ57756)

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): What have been the costs to local authorities of illegal fly-tipping over the past five financial years. (WAQ57756)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 29 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 29 July 2011

John Griffiths: Incidences of fly-tipping on public land and associated clean up costs are recorded on a central database known as Flycapture which is managed by the Environment Agency.

The table below shows the clean up costs for local authorities in Wales in the last five years.

Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i'w hateb ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011











This information broken down into individual local authorities, along with additional information recorded such as number of incidents and prosecutions, can be accessed on the following link -


Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Sawl penderfyniad cynllunio y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i alw i mewn dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf a sut y caiff hynny ei ddosbarthu fesul ardal awdurdod lleol. (WAQ57757)

Russell George (Montgomeryshire): How many planning decisions has the Welsh Government called in over the last five years and how is that broken down by local authority area. (WAQ57757)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

John Griffiths: I will write to you and a copy of the letter will be placed on the internet.

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 04 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 04 August 2011

John Griffiths: The Welsh Ministers have called in 52 applications for planning permission over the last five years and a breakdown by year and local planning authority is provided below:

April 2006 -March 2007 (6)

Carmarthenshire - 1

Ceredigion - 3

Powys - 2

April 2007 - March 2008 (7)

Carmarthenshire - 1

Conwy - 3

Flintshire - 1

Pembrokeshire - 2

April 2008 - March 2009 (23)

Carmarthenshire - 4

Ceredigion - 9

Conwy - 4

Denbighshire - 1

Gwynedd -1

Pembrokeshire - 1

Rhondda Cynon Taf - 2

Ynys Môn - 1

April 2009 - March 2010 (11)

Bridgend - 1

Cardiff - 1

Carmarthenshire - 1

Ceredigion 2

Denbighshire - 1

Flintshire - 1

Gwynedd - 2

Pembs Coast NP - 2

April 2010 - March 2011 (5)

Cardiff - 1

Carmarthenshire - 2

Ceredigion - 1

Flintshire - 1

Nick Ramsay (Mynwy): Pa gynnydd sydd wedi’i wneud tuag at gael cytundeb Cymru gyfan gyda Chanolfannau Cofnodion Lleol Cymru. (WAQ57765)

Nick Ramsay (Monmouth): What progress has been made towards a Pan Wales agreement with Local Records Centres Wales. (WAQ57765)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 29 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 29 July 2011

John Griffiths: In response to the recent Living Wales consultation, a project was established to investigate the feasibility of a pan-Wales funding agreement for Local Record Centres in Wales. It is proposed that the agreement should cover public sector biodiversity data received from and provided to the Local Records Centres (LRCs). The project is led by the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and has members from Welsh Government, Environment Agency Wales (EAW) Forestry Commission Wales (FCW), Welsh Local Government Association and Value Wales.  

Funding options are currently being developed and are due to be reported to the project group in September 2011.  The group aims to have a funding arrangement encompassing all four LRCs, Welsh Government, CCW, EAW, and FCW in place from April 2012, with a view to expansion across the public sector in future years.  

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Cyllid ac Arweinydd y Ty
To ask the Minister for Finance and Leader of the House

Kirsty Williams (Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed): Ar gyfer pob Prif Grwp Gwariant, pa ganran o'r gwariant a gyllidebwyd sydd naill ai wedi’i ddyrannu i’r cronfeydd wrth gefn neu sydd heb ei ddyrannu. (WAQ57777)

Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): For each Main Expenditure Group, what percentage of budgeted expenditure is either allocated to reserves, or is unallocated. (WAQ57777)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 28 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 28 July 2011

The Minister for Finance and Leader of the House (Jane Hutt): The Action tables, published alongside the Budget Motion, specify how each Minister has allocated the resources available to them.  All resources allocated to each Main Expenditure Group are in turn allocated to an Action.  Reserves are held centrally, but portfolio Ministers have responsibility for managing pressures in their areas from within the resources allocated.  This means that they keep their spending plans under review throughout the financial year.  

Gofyn i’r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
To ask the Minister for Health and Social Services

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): A oes gan y Gweinidog unrhyw fwriad i leihau nifer y toriadau cesaraidd a wneir yn GIG Cymru bob blwyddyn ac, os felly, pa bolisïau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu eu rhoi ar waith. (WAQ57758)

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): Does the Minister have any intention to reduce the number of caesarian sections performed on the Welsh NHS each year, and if so, what policies does the Welsh Government intend to implement. (WAQ57758)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

The Minister for Health and Social Services (Lesley Griffiths): I will write to you and a copy of the letter with be placed on the internet.

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 31 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 31 August 2011

Lesley Griffiths: I can confirm it is my intention to reduce the number of Caesarean sections.

In 2009 we asked Local Health Boards (LHBs) to implement 'Pathways to Success Toolkit: Focus on normal birth and reducing Caesarean section rates’. We also provided £50,000 of central funding to help support this process across the NHS in Wales. This has led to LHBs developing action plans for reducing unnecessary interventions in childbirth, such as Caesarean sections.

Mark Isherwood (Gogledd Cymru): Yn dilyn yr ateb i WAQ57674 ynghylch gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl i bobl fyddar, sut y bydd y Gweinidog yn rhoi sylw i’r pryder nad yw’r gweithwyr proffesiynol yn y maes hwn yn cael eu cynnwys. (WAQ57762)

Mark Isherwood (North Wales): Further to the answer to WAQ57674 regarding mental health services for deaf people, how will the Minister address the concern that the professionals in this field are not involved. (WAQ57762)

Mark Isherwood (Gogledd Cymru): Yn dilyn yr ateb i WAQ57674, pa gamau y mae’r Gweinidog yn bwriadu eu cymryd ynghylch yr argymhellion i wella gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl i bobl fyddar. (WAQ57763)

Mark Isherwood (North Wales): Further to the answer to WAQ57674, what action does the Minister intend to take in respect of the recommendations to improve adult mental health services for deaf people. (WAQ57763)

Mark Isherwood (Gogledd Cymru): Yn dilyn yr ateb i WAQ57674, beth yw’r amserlen ar gyfer gwneud penderfyniadau. (WAQ57764)

Mark Isherwood (North Wales): Further to the answer to WAQ57674, what is the timeline for decisions. (WAQ57764)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

Lesley Griffiths: I will write to you and a copy of the letter with be placed on the internet.

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru): Gan gyfeirio at y Dyfarniad yn yr Uchel Lys yn achos Pamela Coughlan a’r penderfyniad a wnaed yn dilyn hynny gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ad-dalu ffioedd gofal mewn achosion penodol, a wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau sawl achos sy’n dal heb ei ddatrys. (WAQ57775)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): With reference to the High Court Judgement regarding Pamela Coughlan and the subsequent decision by the Welsh Government to refund care fees in certain cases, will the Minister confirm how many cases remain outstanding. (WAQ57775)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 28 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 28 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: The new arrangements for the management of retrospective reviews are explained in Welsh Government Circular 13/11, "New Arrangements for Dealing with Certain Retrospective Continuing NHS Healthcare Claims” which took effect from 13th June 2011.  

The current position in relation to the number of Retrospective Claims that have been registered and remain outstanding is:

Atebion i Gwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad i'w hateb ar 27 Gorffennaf 2011

Number of Outstanding Claims prior to April 1st 2003

1,500 cases

Number of Outstanding Claims post April 1st 2003 to August 15th 2010

950 cases

Total Number of Outstanding Cases

2,450 cases

An update of these figures will be available once the newly appointed Clinical Advisors have received essential information required from claimants that have registered which will determine whether their cases can be investigated.

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru): Gan gyfeirio at y Dyfarniad yn yr Uchel Lys yn achos Pamela Coughlan, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y gweithdrefnau a’r systemau sydd ar waith yng Nghymru i ddelio â hawliadau tebyg sy’n deillio o’r dyfarniad.  (WAQ57776)

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): With reference to the High Court judgement regarding Pamela Coughlan, will the Minister make a statement on the procedures and systems that are in place in Wales to deal with similar claims arising from the judgement. (WAQ57776)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 28 Gorffennaf 2011
Answer received for publication on 28 July 2011

Lesley Griffiths: In 2003 the Welsh Government accepted the Ombudsman’s recommendation that efforts should be made to remedy financial injustice to patients where the Continuing NHS Healthcare criteria, had been inappropriately applied. This allowed people to claim retrospectively. A recent review of the arrangements for dealing with claims has led to changes being made.

The new arrangements came into effect on 13th June 2011. They are outlined in the Welsh Government Circular (13/2011) and cover claims up to 15th August 2010.  These arrangements are designed to deal with all outstanding claims from 1 April 1996 to 15th August 2010 within a 3 year time frame. The claims will be managed by Powys Teaching Health Board (Powys tHB) and Local Health Boards (LHBs) who will ensure that operational policies comply with these requirements.  Claims relating to the period from 16th August 2010 will be dealt with by the relevant LHB.

Independent Chairs, Clinical Advisors and Special Investigators have been appointed to ensure that the new process is managed effectively. All Claimants have the usual routes of redress. Concerns can be raised with Powys tHB which will be handled in accordance with the NHS (Concerns, Complaints and Redress Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2011 or by contacting the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales.  

Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau
To ask the Minister for Local Government and Communities

Darren Millar (Gorllewin Clwyd): Pa gamau y mae’r Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i hyrwyddo teithiau deufodd ar feic a bws (yn enwedig o ran sicrhau bod digon o le ar fysus ar gyfer beiciau). (WAQ5759)

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): What action is the Minister taking to promote bi-modal journeys by bicycle and bus (particularly in terms of adequate space on buses for cycles). (WAQ5759)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

The Minister for Local Government and Communities (Carl Sargeant): Most local buses are not designed to carry bicycles within the passenger area because of limitations to available space and safety issues relating to the obstruction of the central isle and doorway. However, some services such as the Beacons Bus that operates between Cardiff and Brecon, are fitted with a special trailer for bicycles.

As part of my plans for delivering improvements to the TrawsCambria Bus Network, we will be working with local authorities to provide secure cycle parking facilities at important public transport interchanges and directing passengers to affordable cycle hire facilities at key tourist destinations such as Coed-y-Brenin.

In addition, my plans for Sustainable Travel Centres will deliver a range of measures to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport. Following the success of the first Centre in Cardiff - with its cycle hire scheme, improved public transport and new walking and cycling routes - a further four centres have been developed across Wales in Mon a Menai, Aberystwyth, Haverfordwest and Carmarthen.

Aled Roberts (Gogledd Cymru): Faint o arian y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i ddyrannu’n benodol yn y gyllideb i roi cymhorthdal i’r gwasanaeth Gerallt Gymro o fis Rhagfyr 2011 ymlaen. (WAQ57771)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): How much money has the Welsh Government budgeted specifically to subsidise the Gerallt Gymro service from December 2011. (WAQ57771)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

Carl Sargeant: I am reviewing spending on all aspects of my transport portfolio to ensure that public money is used effectively and the level of resources are enhanced.

I am prioritising the delivery of initiatives in the National Transport Plan, which includes the provision of these express train services.  

This will be completed in the autumn and it will be supported by a new spending plan.

Aled Roberts (Gogledd Cymru): Pa fath o gerbydau a gaiff eu defnyddio ar y gwasanaethau trên Gerallt Gymro rhwng y gogledd a'r de o fis Rhagfyr 2011 ymlaen. (WAQ57772)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): What type of rolling stock will be used on the North-South Wales Gerallt Cymro train services from December 2011. (WAQ57772)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

Carl Sargeant: I refer you to my answer to WAQ57771. When I announce my priorities in the autumn, this will include information about rolling stock in the event of the service continuing.

Aled Roberts (Gogledd Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau bod arian wedi cael ei ddyrannu i dalu am waith deuoli’r rheilffordd rhwng Wrecsam a Saltney ac na chaiff yr arian hwnnw ei ddefnyddio i gyllido gwasanaethau rheilffordd eraill. (WAQ57773)

Aled Roberts (North Wales): Will the Minister confirm that monies have been set aside to pay for dualling the rail track between Wrexham and Saltney and also that those monies will not be used to fund other rail services. (WAQ57773)

Derbyniwyd ateb i’w gyhoeddi ar 01 Awst 2011
Answer received for publication on 01 August 2011

Carl Sargeant: I am reviewing spending on all aspects of my transport portfolio to ensure that public money is being used effectively and the level of resources are enhanced.

I am prioritising the delivery of initiatives in the National Transport Plan, which will include railway infrastructure enhancement schemes.

This will be completed in the autumn.