30/11/2015 - Cwestiynau ac Atebion Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad

Cyhoeddwyd 24/11/2015   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 02/12/2015

Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad a gyflwynwyd ar 23 Tachwedd 2015 i'w hateb ar 30 Tachwedd 2015

R - Yn dynodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant.
W - Yn dynodi bod y cwestiwn wedi'i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg.

(Dangosir rhif gwreiddiol y Cwestiwn mewn cromfachau)

Mae'n rhaid cyflwyno Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig bum diwrnod gwaith o leiaf cyn y maent i gael eu hateb.  Yn ymarferol, mae'r Gweinidogion yn ceisio ateb o fewn saith neu wyth diwrnod ond nid yw'n orfodol iddynt wneud hynny.  Cyhoeddir yr atebion yn yr iaith y'u cyflwynir ynddi, gyda chyfieithiad i'r Saesneg o ymatebion a roddir yn Gymraeg.

Gofyn i'r Gweinidog Cyllid a Busnes y Llywodraeth

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru):  O blith y chwech prosiect yng Nghymru a ariannwyd gan gronfeydd strwythurol yr UE rhwng 2007 a 2013  y mae ffigurau wedi'u cwblhau ar eu cyfer, sut y gall y Gweinidog roi sicrwydd y bydd prosiectau newydd yn cyflawni'r dangosyddion gwreiddiol ac y byddant yn darparu gwerth am arian? (WAQ69488)

Ateb i ddilyn.

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru):  Pam fu cymaint o oedi cyn rhyddhau data prosiect ar gyfer prosiectau yng Nghymru a ariannwyd gan gronfeydd strwythurol yr UE rhwng 2007 a 2013? (WAQ69489)

Ateb i ddilyn.

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru):  Pryd fydd y data prosiect colledig ar gyfer prosiectau yng Nghymru a ariannwyd gan gronfeydd strwythurol yr UE rhwng 2007 a 2013 ar gael? (WAQ69490)

Ateb i ddilyn.

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru):  Beth oedd y targedau gwreiddiol ar gyfer pob prosiect a ariannwyd gan gronfeydd strwythurol yr UE yng Nghymru rhwng 2007 a 2013? (WAQ69491)

Ateb i ddilyn.

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru):  Os newidiwyd y targedau ar gyfer prosiectau a ariannwyd gan gronfeydd strwythurol yr UE yng Nghymru rhwng 2007 a 2013, pam wnaeth hyn ddigwydd? (WAQ69492)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 1 Rhagfyr 2015

Gweinidog Cyllid a Busnes y Llywodraeth (Jane Hutt):

The European Structural Funds programmes 2007–2013 supported 290 projects across Wales worth £1.9 billion of EU funds, driving a total project investment of £3.6 billion.

All EU funded projects are required by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) to set output targets as part of their condition of funding. The targets for each project contribute to the targets agreed with the European Commission at the outset of each seven-year programme period, which are detailed in the Operational Programmes (published on WEFO's website), and have not changed.  The targets have been surpassed by considerable margins in many cases, however, the Commission has indicated that it prefers not to revise the targets in order to retain transparency against the original ambitions.

The circumstances of individual projects can change due to a range of external and internal factors such as economic and labour market conditions, findings of independent project evaluations and programme evaluations, tendering and delivery arrangements, infrastructure developments, and compliance issues. Projects are closely monitored and re-evaluated by WEFO during their delivery, and funding is allocated across the programmes as necessary so that the full and best use of the potential funding available is made.  The monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes is an ongoing process, and where appropriate, EU funds have been recycled to other projects and other priorities of the programmes.

As a result, we are on course to meet or exceed our key indicators.  EU projects have helped over 64,800 people into work and 203,000 to gain qualifications, and created some 31,800 (gross) jobs and some 10,500 enterprises. Progress of the programmes is reported regularly to the Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC), which is made up largely of external partners from the private, third and public sectors.  PMC papers are published on WEFO's website.  

The delivery of the 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 programmes overlap, and the 2007–2013 programmes are now drawing to a close. WEFO is currently in the process of closing projects, with a number continuing to spend their funding allocations and report their output achievements to WEFO until well into 2016.  Final project achievements against agreed output targets have been published for nearly one-fifth of the total number of approved projects; final output achievements of the remaining projects will be published over the coming months.

The output data provided by project sponsors complements other monitoring and evaluation measures, including mid-year and final evaluations of projects and programme evaluations which are regularly published on the WEFO website. Together with a prioritisation and selection process, which has been agreed by the PMC, these measures will help inform future activities to be supported through the new round of EU funds so that value for money and jobs and growth are maximised for the benefit of Wales.