Mynd i dudalen Busnes y Senedd chevron_right
Mynd i dudalen Sut rydym yn gweithio chevron_right
Crwydro’r adran Ymweld â ni chevron_right
Prif swyddogaeth y Dirprwy Lywydd yw rhannu’r dasg o gadeirio Cyfarfodydd Llawn y Senedd â’r Llywydd; mae ei rôl yn debyg i rôl Dirprwy Lefarydd Ty...
Mae Senedd Cymru wedi cael ei hadalw yn ystod ei gwyliau haf i enwebu Prif Weinidog newydd Cymru, yn dilyn ymddiswyddiad Vaughan Gething AS.
Rhaid i Aelodau o'r Senedd ethol Llywydd yn y Cyfarfod Llawn cyntaf yn dilyn etholiad y Senedd.
Vale of Glamorgan council has granted consent for the construction of a business park on Model Farm. There is considerable local opposition to this...
The Senedd voted 28:27 in favour of vaccine passports in Wales. This was due to a technical error whereby not all votes that were trying to be cast...
Last night Welsh Government voted on the measure for introducing COVID certification to venues and hospitality however one member of the Conservati...
Poor programming on tv led me to social media and Youtube when i came across Police Auditors , after doing some research i came across the guidel...
Ar 2 Gorffennaf, bydd gan y Senedd ail gyfle i wneud newidiadau i'r Bil Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) pan fydd yn pleidleisio yn ystod Cyfn...
National Assembly for Wales EU Office Europe Matters Issue 26: Winter 2012 - 2013 The National Assembly for Wales is the democratically elected body that represents the interests of Wales a...
National Assembly for Wales Europe Matters Produced by the National Assembly for Wales EU Office Issue 25 – Summer 2012 The National Assembly for Wales is the democratically elected body t...
The Third Assembly: Changes arising from the Government of Wales Act 2006 and the new Standing Orders Abstract The Government of Wales Act 2006 provides for the separation of the Natio...
Mem Government of Wales Bill 2005-06 Abstract This paper provides background briefing on the Government of Wales Bill 2005-06 which received its First Reading in the House of Commons on 8 December...