15/07/2016 - Cwestiynau ac Atebion Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad

Cyhoeddwyd 11/07/2016   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 26/10/2017

​Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad a gyflwynwyd ar 8 Gorffennaf 2016 i'w hateb ar 15 Gorffennaf 2016

R - Yn dynodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant.
W - Yn dynodi bod y cwestiwn wedi'i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg.

(Dangosir rhif gwreiddiol y Cwestiwn mewn cromfachau)

Mae'n rhaid cyflwyno Cwestiynau Ysgrifenedig o leiaf bum diwrnod gwaith cyn y maent i gael eu hateb.  Yn ymarferol, bydd Gweinidogion yn ceisio ateb o fewn saith neu wyth diwrnod ond nid oes rheidrwydd arnynt i wneud hynny. Caiff yr atebion eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y maent yn cael eu darparu, gyda chyfieithiad i'r Saesneg o ymatebion a ddarperir yn Gymraeg.


Gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a'r Seilwaith

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Sut y bydd y Strategaeth Gwaith Ffyrdd a Strydoedd yn sicrhau bod prosiectau ffyrdd yn y dyfodol yn cael eu darparu'n brydlon ac mewn dull cost-effeithiol? (WAQ70643)
Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn mesur beth yw ffordd "gost-effeithiol" o dan y Strategaeth Gwaith Ffyrdd a Strydoedd? (WAQ70644)
Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru roi eglurhad pellach o ran beth fydd pob cam o'r crynodeb o gamau yn y Strategaeth Gwaith Ffyrdd a Strydoedd yn ei olygu? (WAQ70645)
Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru roi costau manwl pob cam o'r crynodeb o gamau yn y Strategaeth Gwaith Ffyrdd a Strydoedd? (WAQ70646)
Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru roi manylion y mesurau sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y cod ymarfer gwirfoddol i wella cydweithio â phrif randdeiliaid, fel y nodir yn y Strategaeth Gwaith Ffyrdd a Strydoedd? (WAQ70647)

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): O ran y Strategaeth Gwaith Ffyrdd a Strydoedd, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru amlinellu pa brif randdeiliaid yr hoffai wella cydweithio â hwy? (WAQ70648)

Russell George (Sir Drefaldwyn): Pa gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau cyfathrebu effeithiol rhwng y sector cyhoeddus a grwpiau busnes mewn prosiectau gwaith ffyrdd yn y dyfodol? (WAQ70649)​
Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a'r Seilwaith (Ken Skates): On 30June 2016 we released the National Approach for Road and Street Works in Wales, which supersedes the Street Works Strategy.

The National Approach sets out improvements in five key areas: the planning, coordination and implementation of road and street works; the delivery of major road projects; communication with the public and business; skills and training; and fostering within the road and street works community a culture of cooperation and continuous improvement. Working groups will be key to achieving each intervention. There are no direct costs associated with the actions as the National Approach identifies inventions working within the existing street work legislation.

To ensure that future road projects are delivered on time and in a cost-effective manner, our Trunk Road Agents are fully engaged in regional street works co-ordination meetings. Works are co-ordinated through a road space booking system which enables the agents to control the works scheduling. Data from the Quarterly Performance Scorecard will be used to measure the performance and value for money of works.
The National Approach sets out the remit for developing a voluntary code. We will be reviewing previous work on diversionary works and looking to see where recent case studies from the utility sector could be used to inform this code. There are currently no set measures.
Our major stakeholders will vary with each scheme, dependant upon what diversionary works are required and therefore which utility company we will need to liaise with. In terms of communication with the public, we are looking at ways to improve the flow of information on the Traffic Wales website and associated apps. 

Andrew RT Davies (Canol De Cymru):
A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi gwybod beth yw'r gost i Lywodraeth Cymru o brynu'r ysgubor awyrennau yn Sain Tathan? (WAQ70668)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Ken Skates: The price is market value, confirmed by an independent valuation and will be a matter of public record once the transaction is registered at HM Land Registry.

Gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd, Llesiant a Chwaraeon

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Faint o swyddi meddygon teulu sy'n wag ar hyn o bryd ym mhob un o fyrddau iechyd Cymru? (WAQ70636)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd, Llesiant a Chwaraeon (Vaughan Gething): The Welsh Government does not collect or hold this data centrally, given that many practices are independent contractors. However, the GP sustainability framework, agreed by GPC Wales includes a requirement to identify vacancy levels in order to access additional support for a range of matters, including workforce. That information is held by individual health boards, but will only include those practices that have applied for support under the framework. Primary care workforce data is however an issue that we are continuing to look at. 
Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Beth yw cyfartaledd yr amser aros am apwyntiad gyda meddyg teulu ym mhob un o fyrddau iechyd Cymru? (WAQ70637)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 13 Gorffennaf 2016

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd, Llesiant a Chwaraeon (Vaughan Gething):
Welsh Government does not collect information from GP practices on the average wait to see a GP.
Statistics on GP access, which includes appointment times, are published annually.

As independent contractors, GPs are required to provide an appointment system that meets the needs of their patients. Patients with an urgent need to see a doctor, for example, something that could not wait until the next day, such as an acute infection or severe pain, should be able to do so that day. For routine appointments, GP practices should aim to give patients a consultation within 24 hours, where requested. However, there will be times of high demand where this may not be possible. Under these circumstances, doctors will need to use their clinical judgement in triaging patient demand.


Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i rwystro'r defnydd o hunanfeddyginiaeth a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o beryglon hunanfeddyginiaeth a phrynu meddyginiaethau ar y we? (WAQ70638)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Vaughan Gething: For people seeking advice on medicines and self care, community pharmacists provide expert advice without the need for a GP appointment. We are rolling out the Common Ailment Service across Wales which encourages people to seek advice and treatment from their community pharmacy for common problems such as colds, coughs, indigestion and muscular pains as well as general advice about health and well being.
We have recently issued a Welsh Health Circular to provide advice for prescribers on the risk of the misuse of the prescription only medicines, pregabalin and gabapentin. The advice is targeted at a number of areas including general practice, substance misuse treatment and recovery, rheumatology and orthopaedics. The circular has been produced by healthcare professionals and includes suggestions for a balanced and rational use of these medications.
In November 2015 the Welsh Government’s independent Advisory Panel on Substance Misuse (APoSM) published a review into the deaths related to tramadol and other prescription only medicines and provided several recommendations, intended to reduce misuse in Wales. These are being taken forward as part of our Substance Misuse Delivery Plan 2016-18, where the Welsh Government will work with stakeholders to implement work in this area.
Since 2015, anyone in the UK selling medicines online to the general public must be registered with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). All online medicine retailers must display the European common logo on each page of their website.
The European common logo scheme provides people buying medicines online with the reassurance that they are buying from a legitimate site. People are able to click through the common logo to a list of registered sellers so they know the site is properly registered. People should not buy medicines from any website that is not registered with the MHRA.


Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Faint o feddygon o dan hyfforddiant sy'n gweithio ym mhob un o fyrddau iechyd Cymru, a faint o swyddi meddygon dan hyfforddiant sy'n wag ar hyn o bryd? (WAQ70639)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Vaughan Gething: The latest information provided by the Wales Deanery is as follows:

NHS OrganisationNumber of PostsUnfilled Posts
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 67518
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board462102
Cwm Taf University Health Board25631
Hywel Dda  University Health Board23052
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board41034
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board59689
Velindre NHS Trust285

It is important to note that vacancies fluctuate throughout the year as a result of both trainee changeover and career choices made by trainees.

Each Health Board / Trust will have arrangements in place to address these vacancies.


Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i wella llwybrau iechyd pobl trawsrywiol a'r rhai sy'n dechrau ar y broses o drawsnewid rhyw? (WAQ70640)
Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i greu gwasanaethau arbenigol trawsrywiol yma yng Nghymru, fel y gellir cynnig rhagor o wasanaethau clinigol yng Nghymru, yn hytrach na dros y ffin? (WAQ70641)

Angela Burns (Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro): Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i ddarparu sgiliau a hyfforddiant ar gyfer meddygon teulu i gefnogi pobl i ddechrau'r broses o drawsnewid rhyw? (WAQ70642)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 13 Gorffennaf 2016

Vaughan Gething: Welsh Government is aware of the difficulties Welsh citizens have been experiencing in accessing gender identity services, and has been working closely with WHSSC and NHS Wales over recent months to address these issues.
One of the commitments within the Welsh Government’s Transgender Action Plan published earlier this year is to develop an NHS Transgender Strategy for Wales which will include a care pathway and guidance for healthcare practitioners. The plan committed the NHS to progressing this work as a priority, with any service realignment required to support the pathway to begin during the current financial year.
To this end, a Gender Variance Clinical Pathway Task and Finish Group was established earlier this year, bringing together the health boards which have responsibility for endocrinology provision, WHSSC which commissions gender reassignment surgery, the NHS Centre for Equality and Human Rights, service user representatives and other key stakeholders. The group has met several times and work on the pathway is now well underway.
When the pathway is rolled out, Welsh Government will also be supporting awareness-raising work among healthcare providers to increase knowledge and understanding of transgender and gender identity issues, and of the services available.


Gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog neu ei swyddogion wedi eu cael ag awdurdodau lleol ynghylch gwerthu a/neu gael gwared ar ddaliadau amaethyddol y cyngor? (WAQ70650)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig (Lesley Griffiths): I have written to Local Authorities and I am keen to explore with Local Authorities over the coming months how we might make best possible use of the estate to bring more new and young entrants into the farming industry. 

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi manylion ei chyllideb fesul testun? (WAQ70651)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The budget for my portfolio is broken down by the following topics:

Environment and Sustainable Development: £288.5m
Agriculture, Food and Marine: £61.7m
Protecting & improving Animal Health and Welfare: £29.9m
Planning: £5.8m


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau nifer yr achosion o ymladd cŵn a gofnodwyd yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf? (WAQ70652)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Lesley Griffiths: This information is not held by the Welsh Government.

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi rhestr o'i phrif flaenoriaethau ar gyfer y diwydiannau ffermio ac amaethyddol yn dilyn canlyniad refferendwm yr UE? (WAQ70653)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths:  I set out my immediate priorities in a Written Statement of 6 July, following a Roundtable Event with stakeholders, hosted by the First Minister and I, to
discuss initial reactions to the referendum result.
I will be hosting a further event at the Royal Welsh Show.


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi'r gorau, bellach, i ariannu Bwrdd Diwydiant Bwyd a Diod Cymru a bod y Bwrdd, erbyn hyn, yn cael ei arwain yn llwyr gan y diwydiant? (WAQ70654)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 13 Gorffennaf 2016

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig (Lesley Griffiths): Welsh Government continues to support the industry-led food and drink Board.  

Welsh Government covers remuneration to the Chair and Vice Chairs, and members' travel and subsistence, and costs associated with organising regular sessions and representational activity.

Welsh Government support for the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board to date as follows:

2015    £21,176.92
2016-  £6,624.28


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau faint o arian sydd wedi'i wario ar Fwrdd Diwydiant Bwyd a Diod Cymru bob blwyddyn ers ei sefydlu? (WAQ70655)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 13 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: Welsh Government covers remuneration to the Chair and Vice Chairs, and members' travel and subsistence, and costs associated with organising regular sessions and representational activity.

Welsh Government support for the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board to date as follows:

2015   £21,176.92
2016-  £6,624.28


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau pa waith archwilio y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud o ran gwyliau bwyd, i sicrhau bod y cynhyrchwyr yno (a) wedi'u hachredu a (b) yn lleol/Gymreig? (WAQ70656)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: All Food Festival applicants are required to ensure exhibitors adhere to quality assurance schemes which are at or above the legal minimum National and EU legal requirements in relation to Food Hygiene.  Prior to any funding payment Food Festivals are required to evidence that at least 70% of food and drink exhibitors are based in Wales.  

Criteria is available on:   https://businesswales.gov.wales/foodanddrink/food-tourism


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi manylion faint o gyllid a gaiff pob gwyl fwyd yng Nghymru gan Lywodraeth Cymru? (WAQ70657)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The window for applications for this years Food Festival funding closed on the 14th July 2016, once all applications have been appraised full details of those festivals supported will be made available on: http://gov.wales/topics/environmentcountryside/foodanddrink/supportforfoodproducers/supportforfoodfestivals/?lang=en


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod taliadau a wneir o dan Glastir yn cyfateb i'r costau a delir gan ffermwyr? (WAQ70658)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Lesley Griffiths: Payments are calculated on the basis of national averages for the income foregone, material and labour costs for undertaking the activity. The extent to which payments will match the actual costs incurred by individual farmers will depend on how close they are farming to average costs. 

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi manylion y swm a ddyrannwyd i ffermwyr ledled Cymru yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf, fesul etholaeth?  (WAQ70659)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Lesley Griffiths: The table below contains a breakdown by Local Authority of Basic Payment Scheme and Rural Development land based schemes paid to farm businesses in the last 12 months.  We do not hold a breakdown by constituency.


Local AuthorityPaid
Blaenau Gwent £            737,908
Bridgend £         1,802,913
Caerphilly £         1,813,997
Cardiff £            211,376
Carmarthenshire £       26,633,762
Ceredigion £       23,101,083
Conwy £       14,054,848
Denbighshire £       10,390,926
Flintshire £         4,239,308
Glamorgan £         2,916,463
Gwynedd £       31,100,000
Merthyr Tydfil £            473,605
Monmouthshire £         8,956,934
Neath Port Talbot £         2,422,854
Newport £         1,152,202
Pembrokeshire £       19,196,203
Powys £       64,026,142
Rhondda Cynon Taff £         2,610,373
Swansea £         2,603,340
Torfaen £            618,754
Wrexham £         6,000,427
Ynys Mon £         8,190,630
Not Determined* £         1,591,322
Total £     234,845,370

*includes farm businesses centred outside Wales, but with eligible land in Wales.​

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau pryd y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn lansio ei hymgynghoriad ar barthau perygl nitradau yng Nghymru? (WAQ70660)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 13 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: September 2016.

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o effaith cyllidebau'r dyfodol, pe bai awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn sicrhau bod contractau'r sector cyhoeddus yn cael eu dyfarnu i gynhyrchwyr bwyd lleol? (WAQ70661)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Lesley Griffiths: There is no commitment to ensure that these contracts are awarded solely to local food producers. Therefore there is no identified need for an assessment of the impact on future budgets.

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau canran y cartrefi gwledig ledled Cymru y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cydnabod fel rhai sy'n byw mewn tlodi? (WAQ70662)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 13 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: The Households Below Average Income data provides National Statistics on the percentage of households living in poverty in Wales. This data is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions and does not provide a break down by Local Authority area, at present.


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn prawfesur ei pholisïau gwledig i sicrhau nad yw y rhai sy'n byw mewn ardaloedd gwledig o dan anfantais yn dilyn penderfyniadau gan y Llywodraeth yn y dyfodol?  (WAQ70663)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Lesley Griffiths: Rural proofing remains a mandatory requirement for all policies and schemes developed by the Welsh Government and the recently refreshed guidelines and screening tool have been developed in consultation with stakeholders and experts.  In the future I see issues such as proofing being covered in the scope of the requirements of the Well-Being of Future Generations Act.

Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau pryd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu adolygu Cod arfer gorau Llywodraeth Cymru ar ddefnyddio maglau i reoli llwynogod?  (WAQ70664)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 12 Gorffennaf 2016

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig (Lesley Griffiths): There are no plans for a review.


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau a yw'n bwriadu lleihau lefel isafswm prosiect y Cynllun Grant Cynhyrchu Cynaliadwy o £16,000? (WAQ70665)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 12 Gorffennaf 2016

Lesley Griffiths: I do not intend to reduce the minimum grant award for the Sustainable Production Grant below the current threshold.


Paul Davies (Preseli Sir Benfro): Pa gam newydd y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gymryd i ystyried a ddylid defnyddio anifeiliaid gwyllt mewn syrcasau teithiol? (WAQ70666)

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 23 Hydref 2017

Lesley Griffiths: I refer you to my written statement addressing this issue published on the 15th July.  

Gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg 

Simon Thomas (Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru): A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am adroddiad diweddar Estyn ynghylch Ysgol Syr Thomas Picton? (WAQ70667)W

Derbyniwyd ateb ar 14 Gorffennaf 2016

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg (Kirsty Williams): Corff annibynnol yw Estyn sy’n gyfrifol am arolygu safon gwasanaethau addysgol yng Nghymru. Mater i’r arolygiaeth ei hun yw’r penderfyniadau a wneir ynghylch dyfarniadau arolygwyr.
Arolygwyd Ysgol Syr Thomas Picton, Sir Benfro, gan Estyn ym mis Ionawr 2015. Barnodd yr arolygwyr bod perfformiad cyfredol yr ysgol, a’i rhagolygon ar gyfer gwella, yn ‘ddigonol’, a phenderfynwyd bod angen i Estyn ei monitro.
Yn dilyn ymweliad monitro gan Estyn ym mis Mehefin 2016, barnwyd nad oedd yr ysgol wedi gwneud digon o gynnydd o ran yr argymhellion yn yr arolygiad gwreiddiol a phenderfynwyd bod angen mesurau arbennig ar yr ysgol.
Yn awr, bydd yr ysgol yn llunio cynllun gweithredu i ddangos sut y bydd yn mynd ati i gyflawni’r argymhellion. Bydd Estyn yn parhau i fonitro cynnydd yr ysgol bob tymor tan ei fod yn fodlon ei bod wedi gwella digon i gael ei thynnu o’r categori ffurfiol ‘mesurau arbennig’.
Bydd ystod o bartïon yn parhau i fod yn rhan o’r gwaith o wella’r ysgol gan gynnwys ei chorff llywodraethu, yr awdurdod lleol, y consortia rhanbarthol, ac Estyn. Bydd yr asiantaethau hyn oll yn chwarae rôl i gefnogi a herio’r ysgol i barhau i wneud newidiadau a chodi safonau.